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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. I don't know if I said this or not but, I am sorry that Tachi hasn't appeared in the story for awhile. I promise though, she will make another appearence before the rescue is started! :D You have my word of honor on that ;)

  2. Welcome to BZP, we hope you enjoy your stay while posting comments, and/or topics! *tour ends* Thx for reading

  3. Oh, but of course, lol, still it is an amzing fight so far, and I hope that if my character gets a chance to fight I hope it will be as amazing as yours :) Thx for reading

  4. Lol, yeah. I could just imagine the mail guy coming by and then somebody pops out and says, "No! My house, get your own!!" or something like that. :D Rofl

    Wanna be friends? (please!!!)

  5. WELCOME!!!!! How are ya?

  6. I do not disagree with what you say. Lol Living under a bed, in a box, in a closet, or even in someone's mailbox is fun because you can surprise ppl who look under, or in them. ROFL

  7. Who is Wrack, and why live under a bed when you can live in closet? More space, and you can sell it out as time share. Lolz

  8. I knew that!! *quickly does suspicious thigns* >.>, <.>

    I meant that the fight story you have got going so far on the topic is awesome! Thx for reading


  10. Are you THE Roa McToa?

  11. DUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!! Awesome RPG story!!! I am hoping that soon, my chracter may join in as well!! :D

  12. Wow, sweet Ahkmou and Makahi MOCs!! Thx for reading

  13. What is the pencil trick? ... I have a bad feeling I shouldn't ask :(

  14. EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR PAGE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thx for reading

  15. Read your comic, AWESOMMMMMMMMMMEEEEE!!!!!! They were funny too! Keep up the good work man!!

  16. Viva La Vida!!! I just like the song.

  17. Why would you be hated for wanting a Kal comeback? Ooo, thats kinda catchy.... anyways, I would want a Kal comeback as well!!! In truth, I never bought any, because of some strange reason. Thx for reading

  18. Well, in what you said on my topic, I think that they could make a last minute appearence. I just saying though!! I am most certainly not trying to argue if that is what you are thinking, I agree with what you said as well. Thx for reading, and posting

  19. Hey dude! How ya been?

  20. How come you no five star? *faints again*

  21. Dude, sick topics... wow, that was bad for me. Note to self, don't speak street ever again. Honestly though, nice topics!!! And that is an awesome name too!!!!!!! Thx for reading

  22. *munches on chips* I see you are a seeker... Whatcha lookin' for? Thx for reading

  23. Thank you for agreeing with me, and yes, Mutated Brutaka would OWN, and owned almost all other sets!!!!!!!!! :) Thx for reading

  24. YOU HAVE COMICS?!?!?!?!?!??! Good gravy man!! That is awesome!!!!!!! I am gonna read it right now!!!!

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