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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. Wow, umm, that sounds nothing like me at all... *pushe Jetrax, and Makuta under a chair* lolz I bet he doesn't have them all.

  2. Wow, you live there?!? We are Faaaar apart.

  3. Wow. XD LOL I thought you may turn that into a positive. So, I heard you do non-bionicle work? *looks at interests* XD

  4. Wow. You are as fast as I am. XD Well, what about Journey of Takanuva?

  5. Wow.. that was strange. XD Also... why are you a... *remembers last time he did something like this* nevmind. *goes to PM*

  6. Wow... I sorta expected that... lolz

  7. Wow... o.O What ship is this, "lollol"? XD Lol

  8. Wow... that is almost like the first non-Etna pic for your per.pic. And it is FUNNAY!!!!!!! XD ROFL

  9. Wow... that took longer than I thought... ok Nuvok wears... I cannot believe I forgot. -.-'''''' *hits himself in the head multiple times with a shovel* I will now find the mask. Be back in a REAL sec.

  10. Wow... you work fast. I ran out of good parts ages ago... now I can't build a thing.

  11. Wow.... Those two are awesome!!!!!!!!!

    The life. death thing is the best yet, and the electric guitar is radical dude!!! *plays air guitar* Thx for reading

  12. WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOWIE WOW!!!!!!!!!!! That is pure awesomeness!!!!!

  13. WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOWIE, WOOOOW!!!!! That is how excited I get when I gets a new friend! :) Thank you!! * gives you a basket of assorted cookies, and candy. as well as a homemade pie* ^_^

  14. XD "But Chuck saw through this clever disguise, and he crushed Batmans head..." ROFL What was your favorite part?

  15. XD *picks you up, then sets you down on the ground, getting out a saucer of milk and then waving it in front of your face* You can't have it. :P *drinks it all, then puts up a shield so you cannot get inside my stomach to get it in ANY way that YOU or someone else thinks of*



  16. XD And a merry naming day to you too my friends. :P

  17. XD Don't worry about it, happens alot to me for some reason... lol anyways, would you like to be friends?

  18. XD Expect that to happen ALOT. rofl

  19. xD Hey there. How're ya doing by the way? It's been forEVER since we've talked at aaaaaall. x.x Alot has happened I assume? e-e lol And I need to do some things in my profile... But anyways, thanks for remembering I existed. xDD

  20. XD How are ya? *gives you a hug* ^^ I updayed my epic... in case you were interested....

  21. XD I can't wait!! ^_^ So you made it while you were bored... LOL What is a "Vahn"?

  22. XD I liked when he tried to communicate with them, "Numa yay, numa numa yay, numa--" *gets hit by the laser* XD ROFL Well, I am off to see Love Guru, so... G'bye for now!! *gives you a goodbye hug*

  23. XD I remember a funny vid about a "Dramatic Lemur". ROFL!!! And my pic is of a guy named Sora who, in the drawing, succumbed to the Heartless, and has become "Dark Sora".

  24. XD I remember now!!! Hey DX!! How ya doing? And your welcome.

  25. XD It is "episodes", and it is only good because of the dancing... sorta. No, I do not like the show... >_> <_< lol

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