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Mixtar Acid Toa

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Status Updates posted by Mixtar Acid Toa

  1. You have a friend in D.C? I have a cousin down there!! ^^ BTW, hello!!!! *gives you a good morning/afternoon hug* XD IDK what time it is over there... lol

  2. Anyways, did you say you saw the Sneezing Panda vid? I didn't read the comment fully... -.- lolz Goodnight!! *gives you a hug*

  3. YEAH!!!!!!!!! *tries to do smeag*

  4. Wow, you live there?!? We are Faaaar apart.

  5. Yes, I play it once in a while.. Crisis Core. ^^

  6. You double commented... Anyways, that is mean!!! XD j/k Yayz!! your topic is hot!!!!

  7. I know!! I wonder who Xehanort's Apprentice is?

  8. They do in Final Mix+....... XD

  9. Indeed, I have a movie idea, but I am scared to call them up!!!! >~

  10. ... I am not sure how to take that... rofl lol But, I am sure I have been here before.

  11. Florida? I went to Gatorland there this summer, but no. I don't live in FL. I meant I think I have been on your profile before... lol

  12. I am trying to review it, but I have stuff to do over here... *stares at phnoe, then a number for Paramount Pictures* O.O *shivers*

  13. OH FINE!!!!! *gives you the drink* XD Anyways, haven't we met before?I feel like we have...

  14. I have a feeling you are going to get a bit upset when you read my post so......... *hides in a bomb shelter* XD LOL

  15. ... XD ROFL People always think I drew it... and maybe I should start taking credit... j/k lol But yeah, it is pretty awesome, isn't it? Have you beaten Sephiroth yet?

  16. You still want all three? XD Well... you get a lawyer, a doctor is how you get better, but you don't get a cheese sandwich!! *takes away sandwich* You get a chocolate bar instead. *gives you it* lol

  17. You may want a lawyer, a cheese sandwich, and a doctor, but you can only have one!!!!!!! XD

  18. Indeed.... well, I think it is about time that I update it some more, so for me, OFF TO MS to create some more!!! *flies away on a magic pair of socks* XD

  19. Yayz!! So that means I got him doing exactly what he is supposed to do!!!

  20. I wish we could use them on comments.. T~T XD Anyways, what did you think of Tarik's dialogue?

  21. I read your review, and thank you!! Also, I will soon have Tarik fighting... Qetz!!! Then the other guy... whose name escapes me ATM... -.-???

  22. *claps hands, causing a large stone pillar to rise up out of the ground* O.O!!! ...*looks at gloves he is wearing* Whoops, wrong set... XD Anyways, I was actually just trying to clap is all... *looks at pillar again* How did I even do that!??!?!?

  23. TOO... SHINY!!!!! *stares at silver, but exlpodes because it is so shiny* O.O XD ROFL Anyways, cool name, and this profile is probably the shiniest I've seen so far!! Thx for reading

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