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Blog Entries posted by Shadonix

  1. Shadonix
    My sister and I have decided to try and teach my dog Spanish. It's going quite well so far; he already knows how to venir, ir a su cama, and sentarse. Of course, it may just be the promise of food that makes him go by his instincts, but I'LL BELIEVE WHATEVER I WANT THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Now I need to go teach my old dog new tricks. B)
  2. Shadonix
    Alright, here's what I want to do. Everyone post your favorite song (that has lyrics and is either appropriate or easy to censor) and every fifteen, I'll put all the lyrics together and make a frankensong out of 'em, kind of like the "Highway to Cheese" thing from Curse You Greg. I'll start it off. I'm Not Okay by My Chemical Romance.
  3. Shadonix
    I've slept on it and right now I feel the need to issue a public apology to Laughin' Man. God, I can't take that name seriously... Yesterday, when you began posting in my comments, I cannot refuse to acknowledge that you willingly began this whole debate, but I need to say that its escalation was my fault entirely. I had been having a bad day already, heck, I'd been having an entire awful week before then, and the last thing I needed was an argument. So I just feel the need to say I'm sorry. I don't want anyone to post in this, I just want it to be here.
  4. Shadonix
    Ever have one of those days when pretty much everything sucks? It's Valentine's Day, it's a Monday,[Please avoid insulting other members —TMD], my friend steals the trumpet solo in band class... After a while, even the trivial things get to you until you're just a time bomb of rage. I know I'm not the only person this has ever happened to.
    EDIT: Oh! And three guesses who's rated me down to four stars! How long does that even TAKE? I've been five for God knows how long...
  5. Shadonix
    Hello, BZPower. I want to play a game.

    Nah, I'm thinking about starting a game where it's basically just a big comic, and one person makes a single panel to add on to the story, but it wouldn't be confusing because people could just post and call dibs on the next panel. Any ideas for subjects, kits, etc.?
    Before re-posting, please remove comment #1, as it contains leet.-Nukaya
    Done and done.
  6. Shadonix
    I've decided to make this so everyone'll stop spamming BLUH BLUH HUGE EMPORIUM for crying out loud. Anyway, yeah, we're a continuity. Woo. You can find a link to most of our work in the sidebar of banners, though I'll be adding more periodically. Any and all NGC discussion goes here.
  7. Shadonix
    So I'm writing this comic for an MAS called Imagination, and It's weird, because I'm working on the ninth panel, and I know exactly what I'm going to have happen.
    But I have no idea how to do it, even though it's quite simple.
  8. Shadonix
    As fun as FRUITY RUMPUS HERO FACTORY was, I'm simply not Karkat Vantas anymore; I'm Shadonix, and I have renamed the blog The Shining Darkness. (Written in the middle of a gunfight in the center of a restaurant.) Oh, and if anyone guesses what song that's referencing, you get a special blog approval.
    Even if you don't have a blog.
  9. Shadonix
    Got the idea from Cholie, but I thought I'd expand it beyond just Makuta.
    Here's mine, but I'll link because it'd give you mad siezures otherwise.
  10. Shadonix
    So I was just PMing Megan51 and she wanted to know two things, both of which would be relatively helpful to me as well.
    One, what's the file extension for a Windows Media Center audio file?
    Two, is there any reliable site to host large audio files for free?
  11. Shadonix
    Hola, compadres. Yo soy Shadonix y ahora voy a hablar en español sobre nada en particular. Español es el lenguaje que hablan en España y mucho de Sur América y América Central como México o Argentina. Empecé la clase de español en 2009 y ahora soy mejor que todas las personas en mi clase. (No son muy inteligentes.) No tengo mucho para decir; solo necesito hablar mucho entonces personas que no hablan español van a saber que yo sé más cosas que ellos.
    Gracias y buenas noches.
  12. Shadonix
    Just finished recording NGCast episode one. Special thanks to Darcsyde, Gatotak, LNU, Kahinuva, Autodude and Kohu for being there.
  13. Shadonix
    I just played through the entire album The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance on the piano and realized two things.
    One: It's a MAD good album.
    Two: My keyboard is out of tune like CRAZY wild and I refuse to settle for that.
    Oh and my guitar broke waaaaaaaah
  14. Shadonix
    Yeah, sorry about the lack of end of day summaries; I haven't exactly been leading an interesting life for the past two days. However, I am psyched to tell you that Garda, Darcsyde and I are planning an NGC podcast! (With some of the other NGC dudes of course.) So just something else for you all to look forward to.
  15. Shadonix
    'Sup, Brosephs. Got a new Book Two comic done today.
    Also had the sweetest coffee I ever tasted. And I don't mean sweet as in good, I mean sweet as in loaded with enough sugar to make a mosquito cry. It was awful. X(
  16. Shadonix
    Health class.
    Our teacher's a moron and we don't even learn anything. Heck, what we're doing doesn't even relate to health! AT ALL! It's trbl.</Charles Barkley>
    BUT. I got to repeatedly bean my friend Pablo in the head with a dodgeball in gym class.
  17. Shadonix
    I had a happy birthday filled with three cups of coffee, three cups of Coke, some breakfast for lunch, some dinner for dinner, some long car rides along some long roads, a nerf duel with my cousin (my pistol vs. his machine gun) and some low phone battery. Grr.
    Anyway, I came up with a joke for you.
    "Knock knock."
    "Who's there?"
    "Kopeke who?"

  18. Shadonix
    Today is the day of my birthday. It's also the day of my grandmother's birthday, which means I get ignored.
    For the second year in a row.
    However, just as LNU predicted in his first Universetrapped (which is now up) comic, I DID get some phat loot from my dad. B)

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