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Blog Entries posted by Shadonix

  1. Shadonix
    Because a guy as singularly awesome as this deserves a thread. Some of you may know him as the emoish cynical civilian-casualty causing guy from my comics, while others know him as the emoish cynical civilian-casualty causing guy who haunts the Short Stories library and the BZPRPG, while others still know him as the emoish cynical civilian-casualty causing guy who hangs around BS01 and founded that band with me and three other dudes, Leskows, Iggy and TN05. I fall into all three of those categories, so I know better than most that this is one emoish cynical civilian-casualty causing guy who deserves his own appreciation topic. So come one, come all, and bask in the glory of the Spawn.
  2. Shadonix
    So I'm writing this comic for an MAS called Imagination, and It's weird, because I'm working on the ninth panel, and I know exactly what I'm going to have happen.
    But I have no idea how to do it, even though it's quite simple.
  3. Shadonix
    'Sup, Brosephs. Got a new Book Two comic done today.
    Also had the sweetest coffee I ever tasted. And I don't mean sweet as in good, I mean sweet as in loaded with enough sugar to make a mosquito cry. It was awful. X(
  4. Shadonix
    Health class.
    Our teacher's a moron and we don't even learn anything. Heck, what we're doing doesn't even relate to health! AT ALL! It's trbl.</Charles Barkley>
    BUT. I got to repeatedly bean my friend Pablo in the head with a dodgeball in gym class.
  5. Shadonix
    I had a happy birthday filled with three cups of coffee, three cups of Coke, some breakfast for lunch, some dinner for dinner, some long car rides along some long roads, a nerf duel with my cousin (my pistol vs. his machine gun) and some low phone battery. Grr.
    Anyway, I came up with a joke for you.
    "Knock knock."
    "Who's there?"
    "Kopeke who?"

  6. Shadonix
    As fun as FRUITY RUMPUS HERO FACTORY was, I'm simply not Karkat Vantas anymore; I'm Shadonix, and I have renamed the blog The Shining Darkness. (Written in the middle of a gunfight in the center of a restaurant.) Oh, and if anyone guesses what song that's referencing, you get a special blog approval.
    Even if you don't have a blog.
  7. Shadonix
    Today is the day of my birthday. It's also the day of my grandmother's birthday, which means I get ignored.
    For the second year in a row.
    However, just as LNU predicted in his first Universetrapped (which is now up) comic, I DID get some phat loot from my dad. B)

  8. Shadonix
    I promise there is absolutely nothing like the feeling of waking up at 5:30 in the morning after 6 hours of restless sleep with an aching back.
    Time to face my high school. sigh...
  9. Shadonix
    Well, obviously, y'all need to hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband, cuz they - *is shot by B6*
    Today was pretty uneventful. I had black bottom peanut butter pie. What's the best dessert you ever had?

  10. Shadonix
    Got the idea from Cholie, but I thought I'd expand it beyond just Makuta.
    Here's mine, but I'll link because it'd give you mad siezures otherwise.
  11. Shadonix
    I'm lucky enough to have an awesome PGS, Tomana, who writes some pretty great stories for H&T. I'll be posting links to them here from now on.

    Detective Case File #506: Love Day Strikes by Zo;Tomana Detective Case File #109: Blood Arson by Zo;Tomana From the Case Files of Scode, Private Eye: Thirteen to Dine by Nuile: Lunatic Wordsmith (winner of the Heads and Tails Short Story Contest) :s:
  12. Shadonix
    After biking down to the library at 2:45, staying until 5:45, and returning home a few minutes ago, I came to a sad, bitter conclusion. Spring is a backstabber. O spring, why hast thou lied to me? Thy tender promises of warmth and fair weather and all for what? A fortnight of biting cold and wicked winds whipping away at the frigid water. I shall trust thee nevermore!
  13. Shadonix
    This morning I decided to get Panic! At the Disco's new album, Vices and Virtues, which came out just this Tuesday. I really like it. My favorite songs so far are Always and Sarah Smiles.
  14. Shadonix
    Yesterday I kissed home behind and got on the 5:30 flight to Florida. When I arrived at the hotel, it was 11 at night and there was really nothing to do but watch Adam, Jamie, Carrie, Tory, Grant ad Seth Rogen blow stuff up on the Mythbusters Green Hornet special. And God, how fun that was. Watching them drive forty laps around a track in the front half of a car...

  15. Shadonix
    So today my dad and sister dragged me to see Arthur with Russel Brand, so I might as well post a review.
    It was definitely funny, kinda cheesy, but aren't all cheap comedies cheesy?
    Favorite line (Arthur has just dressed up as Batman and driven the actual Batmobile into the statue of the bull on Wall Street:
    POLICEMAN: Arthur, you're drunk again.
    ARTHUR: Strictly speaking, no. I have remained drunk since our last encounter.
    But then, Russel Brand does a good job at making otherwise awful movies somewhat watchable, so w/e. Overall rating: 6/10.
  16. Shadonix
    To just curl up in bed with my dog at 10:45 PM listening to music really quietly so as not to wake my dad... It doesn't get much better than this.
    Good dog.
    Best friend.

  17. Shadonix
    Cornelius Vanderbilt's summer home in Newport, Rhode Island. Nicest "summer shack" I've ever seen. I'll post pictures as soon as I can hook my phone up to a computer.
    Also, went to the Dave and Buster's at the Providence Mall (largest carpeted mall in New England btw [who carpets a mall..?]) and got like three jackpots in a row. Used all the tickets to get my sister a nice plush of Stan Marsh.
  18. Shadonix
    A wise man once said:
    Haiku can be fun.
    Sometimes it doesn't make sense.
    So I wrote you this haiku:
    I must appear strange,
    Virgin America 'phones
    Playing MCR.
    Sleep by My Chemical Romance.
    Sometimes I fell like someone's gripping my throat, and I feel these tremors, not even tremors, these terrors...
    I'll make a haiku master banner for whoever writes the best haiku relatingto a song or music artist by midnight of the twentieth.

  19. Shadonix
    I've been watching sone more of the (English) anime lately, and right now I'm at the part where Tosen takes Grimmjow back to Hueco Mundo after the attack on Karakura Town. I'm mch farther in the manga, of course.
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