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The Bean

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Status Updates posted by The Bean

  1. Hello!I like cookies.Do you?

  2. Hey hey. Sorry I haven't been on BZP. Was playing WoW all summer xD. So anyway,'sup?

  3. Hi LJ!Could you send me the 2009 chimoru omega sprites?

  4. Hi Master Inika!Yer comedies are awesome!

  5. Hi!




  6. Hi!I like cats.

  7. Hiez!I like bananas.Do you?

  8. Hmm... Odd indeed.

    But I wub dis fad

  9. Hola!I like bananas.Do you?

  10. Hola!No,I'm not spanish.

  11. Hola!Um, I am not spanish.

  12. How do you put your messenger on?

  13. How's it goin'?

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