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Posts posted by BULiK

  1. No offense, but I think everyone's attempts here at making a high-quality Bionicle fangame has failed due to a bad choice of tools. There is a much better free 3D engine than Unity, and it works on Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX, not to mention it's open-source. I'll PM Black Six soon to see if it's notable enough to be able to be linked from FCG (which it should be - a very big media company uses it for their MMO games).

    did he say that was ok? and you could always ask lego, i mean, SERIOUSLY, what are they going to do about it other than rub it in our faces? nothing. and most of it is probably too old to salvage anything from it, and bionicle sets are dead, so what do they have to lose?
  2. lol, you trian by catching the shrk, and other activities in different koro make money by making flax with cowrie shells and seaweed (you get them underwater) go to the other guy to make them string and rope, then sell to the guy at dock

  3. IC: nichou "No! wait!" he cried out as the ice toa rolled down the street, screaming with pain about dragons.He tried to catch up to the toa, but he was going to fast. he gave up and went in the gereal direction of zycks armory, after picking up the pieces of his strecher and putting them in his pack, of course

  4. IC:"Dead Matoran!" Twiak said suddenly, running over to the Toa and sticking is horrid face right up in front of him. "Where now? still dead? yes, i want.Not eaten yet? No, want them now kyahaha"Before he responded, Twiak could see the Toa start to gag on Twiaks stench.

    OOC: is that the toa im helping?well, im assuming it is IC: nichou tried to push away twiak, gagging at the horrid stench. "go away!" he yelled, pushing the toa on the strecher towards the clinc he had heard about, whilist in the motoin of smacking twiak in the face.
  5. IC: " well then one of them is fake, the other is real. but you NEED medical assistancce! dragons can wait!"he tried let the toa roll out of the strecher, and attached small wheels to the strecher, than rolled the toa back in, trying to push the strecher to a hospital.

  6. huh, i thought a turaga could have them by (in the turaga's backstory) giving up his/her toa powers to make toa stones (like what Lhikan did in legends of metru nui) :\ so they were directly banned? i thought all the stuff from before the new bzpower was considered "deleted" EDIT: but alas, it is not in the rules and index, so I guess technichly its ok :\ (for now) but i'll keep with my opinion unless FT edits the rules and index, or posts here saying no

  7. IC: nichou "I think you do", he replied, slowly sliding the toa on the strecher he made."Hey! I need help! can someone help me lift this thing?!?!?!?!" he yelled to the nearby citizens "and the only dragon i saw was the fake fire one that a toa was controlling"

  8. OOC: sorry, you didnt respond. IC: NICHOU The le-matoran drew a crude map, gave it to Nichou, and nichou went to find a forge. he saw a wounded toa laying on the street, squirming with pain. "do you need help?" he asked, taking out wooden poles, snapping them together, and tying a net to it, making a strecher

  9. "Now you might be asking yourself, "Cave, just how difficult are these tests?", "What was in that phonebook of a contract I signed?", "Am I in danger?". Let me answer those questions with a question: who wants to make $60? Cash. You can also feel free to relax for up to 20 minutes in the wating room, which is a darn sight more comfortable than the park benches most of you were sleeping on when we found you. For many of you, I realized $60 is an unprecedented windfall, so don't go spending it all on, I don't know - Caroline, what do these people buy? Tattered hats? Beard dirt?"-cave johnson, founder of aperture science

  10. nevermind, i tried to post images before, but it didnt work. after i posted that i tried again, and you can see my success in my topic in the system mocs subforum

    • [*]3,690 posts[*]4year.gif2.gif

    Posted Oct 18 2011 - 02:05 AMIt's been a long time. I was going to come back a while ago, but turns out my return was a week after the forums were taken offline for upgrading.And I'm pretty much a different person now. More mature. Possibly a better writer. A larger incentive to swear (even though I wouldn't here). Interests in other things. A smaller addiction to Bohrok. Things like that.And now, in old Phovos-The-Raptor-Style, here are my questions:1. Have you changed since BZP came back?yes2. How have you changed?i doubled my post count3. Have you noticed anyone else change?yes4. *insert pointless question here*I <3 wheatly omh i copied and pasted you spinny mask :D

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