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Status Updates posted by bioboy12

  1. So you visited my page...

  2. If you need help ask me.

  3. Have you given up on red dwarf?

  4. good news my head has been reattached in RZ!

  5. Actually I ran into a problem I was about to tell you about when I can't enlarge the sprites without messing up the poster. would it be okay if I kept the sprites small?

  6. yes i would like to put my sig and avatar up but do not know how

  7. Welcome to bzp!

    If you need help just ask.

  8. Oh well.

    Not to be a nag but could you possibly review my comics?

  9. Do you like the name change for my comics?

  10. Hi whoever you are!

  11. Can and will you make me an animated banner. Just a simple spin please.

  12. your banner is just awesome.

  13. Well I made my sprites before I knew about you but yeah our sprites are pretty similar

  14. Oh I think I misread.n =P

    On an unrelated note what's your banner about?

  15. It's your turn for the sidestep scenario

  16. Calvarick Made it for me.

  17. Saw you checking out my comics, what did ya think?

  18. LNU Said he'd make me one but if he can't I think I can.

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