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Posts posted by dotcom

  1. Honestly I'm bewildered at the notion that being a certain age can make something appropriate for reading/watching in any way. Some adults would not bear Cupcakes or any other gorefic and some teens would be unfazed. Even though I know that's not your point, Valenti, feel I should comment on that.Gory fics are too silly for me to take seriously anyways. Cupcakes in particular was too ridiculous for me to really get a mental scar.


    I spotted something when I was looking at one of those dumb gifs on tumblr, it is in the flash though. But if you look in the background when Terezi does the Pointy Thing, for a brief moment there is a silhouette that appears left of Sollux that looks suspiciously like one of the other trolls standing there, who was known to dart around in silhouette form. As much as I don't want to believe it, Gamzee may still be in insane murder mode. Gog I hope not. D:

    I'm posting in this topic too much.

    That's an afterimage of the silhouette back shot of the trolls. I think/am pretty sure/believe.
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