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Status Updates posted by dotcom

  1. Ditzy Doo is the bestest.

  2. Dude, the list of most Awesome BZPers in your Interest is waay too short.

  3. DUDE! Dis you see Escape From Aggregor? That thing was awesome. Aslo, the reason NRG looks robotic is cause he's a purely radioactive being and without the suit he can harm those around him. The Ultimatrix is able to give him the suit like it's able to give the aliens clothes

  4. Duuuuuuuuuude.

    I watched Alien Swarm yesterday (On TV)


  5. Eh...how should I know? XD

  6. Either way, wish I could. I've only bought those cuz they're the only ones I've been able to find...anywhere

    plus i'm pretty much broke ...

  7. ellipsis pixies

  8. Family Guy is a very cheap, very bad Simpsons rip-off

  9. Fight indeed

  10. fight! power! fight! power! fight! fight! fight! fight! f-f-f-f-fight!

    1. tomdroidser


      Soda. Lemon Energy Sparking!

  11. First Medusa and now Eruka Frog. Your avatar is a joy to behold.

    1. Sisen


      You're welcome Mizune.

    2. Hexann


      What's next: Mesa Mesa sisters Soul Eater?

  12. First time I see every single one at one single place though -_-

    I've also got the rust bucket in toy form, but it's kinda plain.

  13. Fixed it. It appears I edited it but kept the name, so when I uploaded it, it got replaced. Just fixed it.

  14. fly awaaay fly awaaaaaaaay

  15. Frowny face? Nah, it's more like a you-wont-change-my-mind face.

  16. Funny, Kirby ain't in your interests....

  17. GAAH! Take your I-have-the-game-ness away! AAH!...



    Anyways, i decided to stop collecting the 4" guys, at least 'till Lodestar comes out, and start collecting the 2" 4-piece guys. After all, they DO have Ditto, Eye guy and Way Big.:P

    Check the COT, it's gonna be interesting.

  18. GC: >;]

    GC: > ;]

    GC: >;]

    GC: > ;]

    GC: >;]

    GC: > ;]

  19. Girl.

    I am spying on EVERYBODY

  20. Good luck then.

    Seriously though, I haven't been able to find ANY 4" B10 toys, at all. And I still need Echo Echo. It's the last one I need to finish my AF collection. DX. (Excluiding Nanomech. I chose to buy UA NM over AS NM. IMO, he's cooler.)

  21. Graduating from high school feels a lot like sitting in a chair for 3 hours.

    1. Thracia 776

      Thracia 776

      you're so witty jeff

  22. Haha cool. In case you want it in better quality, though I resized it so it doesn't get all pixelly:


  23. heh, you were born after you joined

  24. Hello. Your sig is too big, just to let you know.

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