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  1. It feels like a friday.

  2. That's one of my fave croc lines, actually. The croc's "No hed for you" in the strip a few weeks back was hilarious

  3. GAAH! Take your I-have-the-game-ness away! AAH!...



    Anyways, i decided to stop collecting the 4" guys, at least 'till Lodestar comes out, and start collecting the 2" 4-piece guys. After all, they DO have Ditto, Eye guy and Way Big.:P

    Check the COT, it's gonna be interesting.

  4. Huh. I hardly remember anything I did in my younger years. Probably for the best. Noobs will be noobs. :|

  5. Yesss..Albedo's one of the best villians in Ben 10. And your friend request was a bit late. I added you myself yesterday :P

  6. >_<....>

    That is not Tahu.

    That is Trinuma




  7. Other that the fact that your sig is ginormous, you can't mention that site here

  8. I liked Kaizer Raiko moar D:

    Though yeah, what's with That Hobo Matoran calling my banner stupid? O_o

  9. Now you have probably seen my KanayaxVriska daydream shenanigans

    Man that is so inappropiate (or it would be if we were trolls)



    Do you have an account there?

  10. Luck yet ?

    Got Ult. Swampfire and Water Hazard. INCREDIBLE

  11. Dude, the list of most Awesome BZPers in your Interest is waay too short.

  12. I think we both know what i mean by that.

  13. best name change

  14. I really don't know if we should be so hasty about that kind of stuff. Only about 3 people know there's an attempt for this thing...

    I really don't know

  15. Howsit doin'? I already have three packs of the 2 1/2" guys. They. Are. Epic. Winzors.

    Sure, the've got flaws, but hey, so do the 4" guys.

    And gueess which? Eye Guy, ditto, Way Big, and BM, BV, and CB

  16. Congrats on the cell.

    Whoa though. I have a total of 20 cents right now..so I like have to get my parents to give me my birthday money..I'm totally broke...

  17. 1500x1500 sig?

    what's up with that?

  18. Holy mother of.

    That is the sexiest dang pony I've ever seen.

    ...did i just call a pony sexy what am i equius..

    Anyways, Modern~Warmare's ponies rock.

  19. Hey, dude, do you know about the Ben 10 Alien Force TCG?

  20. My previous username, RatHasCome, also referenced to PBS. I love PBS. If your name is fromt eh PBS treasury, and I think it is, you, good sir, win. Forever

  21. Family Guy is a very cheap, very bad Simpsons rip-off

  22. i just need to tell you i find your avatar hilarious in the scariest way possible

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