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Status Updates posted by dotcom

  1. You know there's gonna be a 3rd series, I can't wait for THAT

  2. I got the pic in my sig from the teaser video. It appears towards the end

  3. Star Wars the Clone Wars is pretty cool, yes

  4. GC: >;]

    GC: > ;]

    GC: >;]

    GC: > ;]

    GC: >;]

    GC: > ;]

  5. I know. I'm not stupid :) And ok, I guess, am annoyed because I have Swampfire in front of me and can't open it, though

  6. ellipsis pixies

  7. Peace, peace!

  8. CA. I guess I was just lucky though, last time I went to my local Wal-Mart, they only had Chromastone & the DNAlien.

  9. Water Hazard looks...interesting

  10. Yah...

    I'm quite fond of my banner too. :P

  11. Yup. Me is grande benjamin ten fann

  12. Anyways, changing to another subject, do you get the Bandai B10 figures?

  13. :P Yeah well, that would probably be the correct assumption to make, except that there were no lighting effects anywhere else on the drawing, or shading, or even real outlines for that matter ._.

    Really though it's still pretty awesome.

  14. Too small? Weird. I made it myself, out of some HF pic

  15. Hey man, any luck findidng the new UA toys? I just got Nanomech. He's freakin' awesome

  16. Yup, he seems kinda blue though :P. Alien Swarm is looking up to be 100 times better than RaT

  17. Now that is pretty awesome. BI

  18. Saw Star Trek Into Darkness. The UST between Spock and Kirk was craaaazy.

  19. The only thing I dow orse than everything else is comedy. See: My entry to the second Marathon theme

  20. Yeah..but I prefer to take the Internet as a last resource. :P

  21. Well..it was epic. VERY so. JMMB's a good one at making banners

  22. This av is fabulous

  23. Yeah...about 14 months ago, but yeah...

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