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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Hello, all who are coming this way,
    The 18th of August is Bad Poetry Day!
    The wonderful day that disrupts your sweet calm
    With horrible poems that make you facepalm.
    This day springs upon us all like a hawk
    And numbs our poor brains with the grace of a rock.
    But alas, this day, it draws to a close
    So I'd better end this ridiculous prose.
    (This poem is in honour of William T. Gorringe
    Whose name is the long-sought rhyme for orange.)
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I generally don't like to jump into fads when they're well underway but I really am interested in how this will turn out.
    And please don't just copy this entry or I'll chuck you into the Xtonic radiation field covering the surface of Midnight.
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Hello. This is a message from the future. When you read this, you will have the wondrous and wonderful honour of being the first Earthlings to intercept a live tachyon stream. Never before has such an advancement in temporal technology been made in the grand history of humanity (and please don't try to change that by forwarding the message to Edison or something). Tonight, the world will uncover an ancient alien device, and change history forever by sending this signal! The world's top scientists will all be celebrating the momentous event, except for one, who believes that this technology could destroy the space-time continuum. Perhaps time itself will have to prove or disprove him?

    -transmitted 11:38 PM

  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Gresh is really hard to beat, yet for some reason, Vorox and Skrall aren't. WAAHT
    I made to Silver league though. 8D
    Trying to force your enemy into the lava pool doesn't work to well, unfortunately. Best strategy that I've come up with (my strategies tend to fail epicly, more often than not) is to press A repeatedly and hope your enemy doesn't synchronize their blows with the starts of your strike.
    Thornax shots hit most accurately at close range, despite taking less damage.
    For some odd reason, Atero games are easier than Vulcanus games. WAAHT
    I wish we could play in the other cities. D:
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Since other members have exercised their abilities within the blog rules and posted entries about who they would support for U.S. President, I thought I would do the same.
    And then decided against it.
    I kinda like being mysterious and keeping my political views secret, eh?
    But really, it's also because I haven't finished putting together a hypothetical Cabinet for my favoured President/Vice President team. When I do, I'll post the whole group I support (maybe). I can tell you one name, though -- Vermin Supreme is on this list, and not as a joke. I really do support him for a particular position.
    But what could it be?
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    McDonalds has a clown with a corny name.
    Burger King has a guy in a ridiculously fancy robe and a plastic mask.
    Wendy's has a redhaired girl in her pyjamas.
    Arby's has a levitating neon hat that takes over people's brains.
    Dairy Queen has a disembodied mouth.
    Applebee's has an apple from which Wanda Sykes's voice eminates.
    Kentucky Fried Chicken has some colonel who died of obesity-related issues.
    Pizza Hut has an invisble entity that never speaks.
    Taco Bell had a talking chihuahua that seems to have been dognapped.
    I would feel so at home with these people...
  7. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Welcome aboard the Midnight Train to Nowhere. We will begin by departing from Accra, Ghana; traveling towards Cape Three Points and from there capsizing into the ocean until we reach the lovely little town of Nowhere. Nowhere is located at 0 latitude, 0 longitude and 0 altitude. It also has a population of zero.
    As this is a midnight train, we will leave Accra at 12:00 AM at a speed of 570 kilometres per hour. We will then screech to a halt at 12:01 AM and remain there until the next midnight. (This train only travels at midnight. Not 12:01 AM or 12:02 AM. Midnight.) This will continue for several days until we get to Nowhere.
    Enjoy your trip!
    DISCLAIMER: We will not be responsible for the disappearance of the drivers, mysterious knocking noises or weird ladies repeatng your every word. Be warned that your fellow passengers might be paranoid enough to try and throw you off the train.
  8. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I had my first real lucid dream last night. It was WEIRD. I don't remember all of it, unfortunately, (even lucid dreams have that problem), but there are some rather interesting highlights. I think it started with me standing on a balcony in a school, looking down on a basketball game (or some similar sport, I don't think what I saw exists as any sort of real sport), and then I think, "Wait, what? Why am I in a school? I've been homeschooled my whole life... oh gosh, I'm dreaming. This is a lucid dream!"
    And then I jump off the balcony, miss the ground, and start flying. Then I remember that suddenly trying to do something really exciting in a lucid dream will usually wake you up, and then I wake up. Then I think, "Darn, I woke up, I wish I could fall back asleep and resume the dream." So I do exactly that and continue flying. (In retrospect, I suspect that may have been a false awakening. I did not feel the the usual fatigue that one feels when awakening directly from REM sleep.) After that, random stuff happens (I can't remember exactly what) and then I find a supply closet, imagine that it leads outside, walk through it and escape from the school. Faced with two guards, I look for a weapon, find none, so I reach into my pocket and imagine a laser gun, which materialized in my hand. I fire at the guards and kill them. Then I felt sorry for killing the guards, so I rewind the dream to back when they they were alive (this was by far one of the weirdest parts), but they shoot at me so I kill them again. Afterwards, a friend of mine follows me outside and tries to convince me to return. I try explaining to him that he's in a dream and that he's only an imaginary copy of someone I know IRL. He only believes after I show him my watch, which keeps showing random letters and numbers each time I look at it. (This is a good way of achieving lucidity in a dream, FYI.) More random stuff happens and then I jump out of a skyscraper, float in mid-air for a while, get bored for a while and decide to wake up and resume the dream some other night.
  9. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    That software is a Trojan. DON'T USE IT. My dad and I just spent several hours trying to figure out how to get rid of it. We eventually had to delete my account and remake it from scratch, though fortunately I was able to transfer my old files to the new account.
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