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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. Hello! You have been chosen for a Random Hello! Enjoy! :)

  2. Awesome name is awesome. :D

    Oh, and happy birthday.

  3. Hello! You have been chosen for a Random Hello! Enjoy!

  4. Hello! You have been chosen for a Random Hello! Enjoy! :)

  5. I don't know what I'd be without this drumming.

  6. Really, really late to tell you this, but my cndolences on the death of Guardian. :(

  7. Yes... now which staffer does it reference? ;)

  8. Excuse ME, but it's against the cheese to not surprise free rules to no-one who misses your bed. Don't be offered if you find your profile breaking. Everyone visits the cheese and gets away with it.

  9. Like the others said, welcome. Oh, you might want to get those ten posts, I'll need to PM you for the T/DH War.

  10. Can you explain "how the cards work?" If you're still alive, (I HOPE YOU ARE)... join blue!

  11. I see created Silence and the Phase Dragon. Both awesome!

  12. At least it's not a Batman name. =P

  13. Happy... sixth birthday. XD

  14. Happy, happy, birthday!

    (Though it's sad that Billy Mays died on your birthday. [sniff])

  15. I'm sorry about what I posted in your blog. It was a joke, but I didn't realize how... crude, I guess... it was. Do you forgive me? :(

  16. You joined 2 days after me and were born in the same year...weird...

  17. Welcome to BZ, happy birthday, love your name.

  18. I forgot... I have this vague memory of monsters that erase themselves from my memory when I stop looking at them... what was I saying?

  19. Clean your inbox. I need to give you your 2009 Mafia role.

  20. How did you lose all your proto?

  21. Um, what was I supposed to do in Ko-Wahi...? XD [/horriblememory]

  22. Uh... what meeting? :P Also, I has a plan. Sneaky plan. My dad is in plan. PM for plan. Sneaky plan.

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