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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Indiscreetly counterfeited in the exact likeness of such yarn added to the reviews concerning the most recent set of musings in the collection of Sumiki's thoughts:
    Sumiki, alas, at the tenebrous hour, did find it unwise to permit himself to absolve memory of his most secure verbal key. For it was the key that granted that great gift of trust, of solicitude, of frankness and honesty, of earnesty. That verbal key, so sophiscated, so beautifully crafted, so as to permit access into that matrix of creativity, that wondrous machine, electrically connected to many other such devices, in a technological display of utmost intellgence, the magnum opus of the homosapien creaturekind.
    In his cerebral lapse, the aforementioned knowledge of the unlocking element did vanish, yet foreseeing this event he had the prudence, or perhaps foolishness, though nary shall it be discerned by mortal reason as to which of those two, that he allowed such vital information to pass into the claws of one Lhikevikk. Lhikevikk, that eccentric acquaintance, whose nome de plume doth haunt the minds of those who search out the magnum opus of the homosapien creaturekind. For it was that bizarre entity who seized upon such knowledge, and took it upon himself to exert that power for his own demented purposes.
    At the centre of the nocturnal timeframe, half past into an an even more tenebrous hour, the being awaited the cerebral lapse of self-awareness prophesied by the unfortunate comrade of his. His organs of vision shifted asynchronously, searching out the vicinity for potential risk of testimony, of evidence circumstancial, anecdotal and empirical. Silently, he stalked forward, his visual organs bejeweled with contemplation of the sensational act of limited sanity he was preparing himself to execute. Locking his sight onto the luminous surface, radiating the knowledge of that matrix of creativity, he set his digits to execise the power bestowed on him by his oblivious accomplice. Appliying pressure to the lettered quadraliterals on the device below te luminous surface, he typographically inputted the knowledge so bestowed on him, of that complex verbal key designed as a countersign of trust, so that the wondrous machine would be deceived, believing erroneously that its faithful comrade Sumiki was requesting its services.
    His act of trickery complete, he began to seek out the information locked inside the wondrous machine. Most fortuitously, he happened upon a certain arrangment of the miniscule points of colour on the luminous surface, the arrangement being that which detailed the musings of its proper owner. Reaching out for the control device, zoologically named, he shifted its location, so that a small irregular figure, displayed on the luminous surface, might alter its own position to that of rectangular shape marked in modern script with words detailing a command to create a new collection of thoughts to be displayed on that list of collections which rightfully displayed those of Sumiki. Applying pressure to the upper left corner of the zoologically named control device, the luminous surface transformed in response to a different display, this one requesting the typographical input of a new collection of thoughts. Returning to the lettered quadraliterals below, he concocted a vichyssoise of verbiage that could only come from such a perturbed mind as his, bearing little rational congruance and being most incoherent.
    His act of madness complete, Lhikevikk, returned to the unconscious Sumiki. Being wary so as not to disturb his slumber, he discreetly related a ficticious account of how it was Sumiki who had written such a raving. Escaping surreptitously, Lhikevikk left Sumiki in the utterly incorrect notion that it was himself who hath typographically inputted such nonsense.
    what the heck did i just write
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    name an episode and i'll make a mess of it for you
    i can do revived series eppies and maybe some classic ones (if i've seen them)
    first come, first serve, and any subsequent requests will be ignored until further notice
    got it
    okay let's do this
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    so i'm walking by the book section of my supermarket
    and then the words "DON'T BLINK" catch my eye
    so i notice it's the title of a new book by James Patterson
    and it says on the cover "You blink, you die"
    and i'm like
    "i'll bet 10 dollars he got this idea from Doctor Who :teehee:"
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    That. Is. One. Epic. Book. XD
    It should be required reading in school.
    Did you know that...
    -there once was an actual "jump into a volcano" fad on a Japanese island? People actually came to see kids throw themselves in. It was later outlawed, though.
    -a man was arrested for illegal use of a firearm when he dragged his washing machine down the stairs and shot three times it with his pistol?
    -sneezing was considered a sign of good breeding in Europe, so higher-class people would sniff things to show how superior they were?
    -the last words of singer Terry Kath were "Don't worry, it's not loaded!" (BOOM headshot)
    Read it. It's idiotically awesome. XD
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Some of you may be familiar with King of Nynrah's petition group that he started when the ending rumors first began. When the rumors were confirmed, we were told to email LEGO asking them to bring the line back. A few days ago I did so (Why, why did I not save a copy...) and received this response. It's near identical to the one sent to Black Six, so it makes me think that it was copy-pasted and edited slightly. (And why did they not get the joke about my name being "Ann Onymous"?)

    EDIT: This has nothing to do with the above but what happened to my avatars? D:
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Can it be done? Not without at the help of at least 20 other Premier Members! PM me for the plan!
    [hopes we can pull it off]
    EDIT: Oh, and it's for April 1, of course. Left that out of the copy-pasted command. Start without me in case I'm a few minutes late.
  7. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Now that I have time I can explain my short absence.
    We live in the middle of a desert... sort of... so when I suggested we get flood insurance, my parents turned it down as a joke.
    Never doubt Duct Tape Precognition.
    A few weeks ago, our shower's plumbing sprang a leak. We never noticed, since it inside a wall, but the water came down though the wall... and under the floor.
    The hardwood floor.
    Our insurance covers it, but when I remembered my flood insurance suggestion I realized the irony.
    However, when the insurance guy came to inspect the damage, it was greater then we thought. Long story short, we ended moving into a hotel for a few days while our floor is completely replaced.
    So thasit. Now in the meantime, this blog is under the authority of Sumiki and KK17.
    (And please don't spill anything on my blog's floor, alright?)
  8. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    While changing to my current Thomson av, I only then realized that my supposed former Thomson av, made by Cherixon, wasn't my actual av.
    I used my traditional Dekar/Hydraxon avatar instead for a few days and didn't notice.
  9. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Dissing is not allowed on BZP.
    Cussing is not allowed on BZP.
    Discussing, however, is the very reason this site exists!
    (also I just noticed that these two colors have each other's hexadecimal codes backwards)
  10. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    McDonalds has a clown with a corny name.
    Burger King has a guy in a ridiculously fancy robe and a plastic mask.
    Wendy's has a redhaired girl in her pyjamas.
    Arby's has a levitating neon hat that takes over people's brains.
    Dairy Queen has a disembodied mouth.
    Applebee's has an apple from which Wanda Sykes's voice eminates.
    Kentucky Fried Chicken has some colonel who died of obesity-related issues.
    Pizza Hut has an invisble entity that never speaks.
    Taco Bell had a talking chihuahua that seems to have been dognapped.
    I would feel so at home with these people...
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