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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    "I Am My Own Grandpa" by Ray Stevens
    Many, many years ago
    When I was twenty three
    I got married to a widow
    Pretty as could be.
    This widow had a grown up daughter
    With flowing hair of red,
    My father fell in love with her
    And soon the two were wed.
    This made my dad my son-in-law
    And changed my very life.
    Now my daughter was my mother,
    For she was my father's wife.
    To complicate the matters worse
    Although it brought me joy,
    I soon became the father
    Of a bouncing baby boy.
    My little baby then became
    A brother-in-law to dad,
    And so became my uncle,
    Though it made me very sad.
    For if he was my uncle,
    Then that also made him brother
    To the widow's grown up daughter,
    Who of course was my step-mother.
    Father's wife then had a son
    Who kept them on the run,
    And he became my grandson
    For he was my daughter's son.
    My wife is now my mother's mother
    And it makes me blue.
    Because although she is my wife,
    She's now my grandma too.
    If my wife is my grandmother,
    Then I am her grandchild.
    And every time I think of it
    It simply drives me wild.
    For now I have become
    The strangest case you ever saw,
    As the husband of my grandmother,
    I am my own grandpa!

  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Here's how we'll play:
    1. I post a word. Say... water.
    2. You post a word with the first letter of the first word being the first letter of the second word. Say... winter.
    3. The next person posts a word where the second letter of the second word is the first letter of the third word. Say... invisible.
    Got it?
    Oh, and two more rules:
    1. Each must be a real English word.
    2. Once you get to the say, seventeenth word, it must have at least seventeen letters to keep the game going.
    It's easy at first, but it'll get hard fast... oh, yes...
    First word: shield.
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Gresh is really hard to beat, yet for some reason, Vorox and Skrall aren't. WAAHT
    I made to Silver league though. 8D
    Trying to force your enemy into the lava pool doesn't work to well, unfortunately. Best strategy that I've come up with (my strategies tend to fail epicly, more often than not) is to press A repeatedly and hope your enemy doesn't synchronize their blows with the starts of your strike.
    Thornax shots hit most accurately at close range, despite taking less damage.
    For some odd reason, Atero games are easier than Vulcanus games. WAAHT
    I wish we could play in the other cities. D:
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    At what point in The Eleventh Hour do the scenes with Jeff in them take place? I can't remember for the life of me, been so long since I saw that episode. The plot summaries on Wikipedia and the Doctor Who Wiki don't help much. D:
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    BIONICLE was a constraction figure line.
    BIONICLE stopped selling well.
    BIONICLE ended as a result.
    Hero Factory is a constraction figure line.
    Hero Factory may or may not sell well.
    Hero Factory will end if it doesn't sell well.
    Hero Factory, in order to resurrect BIONICLE, must be boycotted, thereby proving to LEGO that constraction figures don't sell well so they can bring back a line that they will then know for sure won't sell well.
    Sound like a plan? B)

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