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-Toa Lhikevikk-

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by -Toa Lhikevikk-

  1. -Toa Lhikevikk-
  2. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    As the result of the sudden outbreak of irrational fears among the Empire's subjects, Lhikevikk, have been temporarily released from the the Emperor's dungeon to serve as the Imperial Penguin Therapist. I am here to deal with your phobias and hopefully make them better (or worse, since I can make more money that way). I can also treat any other psychological issues you may be dealing with. Don't be afraid to ask for assistance!
    DISCLAIMER: I'm just having some fun here okay please don't interpret this as legitimate psychological advice I'd probably severely worsen your conditions if you did that so don't try it okay
  3. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    From Wikipedia's article on eccentricity:

    1. Check.
    2. Check.
    3. Check.
    4. Check.
    5. Check.
    6. Check.
    7. Check? I consider myself to be of normal intelligence, but looking at most other people I've seen... [facepalm]
    8. Check. Kinda.
    9. Semi-check. I have slighty different habits...
    10. Check. Kinda.
    11. Define "mischeivous." I have a really, really weird sense of humor.
    12. Check, but that's normal for my age.
    13. Check, check, check.
    14. No check.
    Now what were the other four?
  4. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    For the first time in well, ever, I have an epic idea that I can actually go through with!
    It's an EM epic, and I actually have a clear story outline rather than bouncing cool story ideas around in my head. It'd probably be the first in the series, but I'm not concerning myself with any sequels at the moment. I also won't start until August or so -- I'll be gone pretty much all of July this year and I don't want to leave you all hanging in the middle of the story.
    Oh, and it should only be around 10 chapters -- approximately the length of a BIONICLEstory.com serial. I'm going for something long enough to have a complex and well-developed plot, but not TOO long so I don't fall in the same mistake Angel Bob made with his EM epic.
  5. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    My stinger-tail henchman, Gornt, has advised that I conduct a survey to determine who are my mindless slaves and who are (ugh) individuals.
    I followed his noble advice and posted this ultimatum.
    Then I killed him with a plasma blast.
  6. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    I think this might be the first time I change it on a whim without planning it in advance. I changed it about one minute after I read Burnmad's suggestion.
    So, how long until I regret it?
  7. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Oh right, and today is Guy Fawkes Day.
    Let's blow stuff up! 8D
    Oh, right, I just blew that WAAHT up.
    (Since "V" was based on Guy Fawkes, it'd be a perfect day to work on the next V File if I didn't still had limited internet... I'll do it as soon as I can, alright?)
  8. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Judge me by my sanity, do you? Hmmph.
    Allow me to state that I am insane. A truly insane person would not think themselves insane, so as I have just stated that I am insane, it stands to reason that I am not insane. However, by disproving my insanity, I deny that I am insane, so the possibilty still remains that I am indeed insane. A person can either be sane or insane, there is no other alternative because if one is not sane, by definition they are insane. If one is not insane, by definition they are sane. If one declares themslves to be of one state, they add evidence that they are of the opposite state, because an insane person cannot recognize that they are insane. Because of this, I simply cannot judge my own sanity. If I were to ask you to judge my sanity, I could neither agree nor disagree with you because to do so would be to judge my own sanity, which is impossible. Due to my inability to ascertain the soundness of your judgment, I would then not be of sound judgment, and by definition, would be insane. However, I would then be forced to recognize my own insanity, thereby disproving that I am insane. As a result, not only is it impossible for me to judge my own sanity, neither can anyone else. Because this is irrefutible logic, if anyone should think that they could judge my sanity, they would not be of sound reason and almost certainly be insane. Because some may not recognize this, as an outside observer I can with certainty determine the sanity of anyone else.
    In other words, no one has any right or reason to call me insane, yet I have every right and reason to call other people insane, because this is irrefutible logic.
    (I came up with this while holding a conversation with an imaginary psychiatrist, BTW.)
  9. -Toa Lhikevikk-
    It was. 8D
    Why did I make this category again...? I think it was for various stories. Guess this would count.
    Staying up till midnight playing wacky games and talking nonsense with friends twice as quirky as you=EPIC WIN
    Sleeping (or trying to) on the floor in a "Luxury Comforter (which was neither luxurious not comfortable)" that leaves pigment on your clothes and isn't hardly bigger than you=EPIC FAIL
    Engaging in melee ninja combat with a red belt (black stripe!)=EPIC, uh, something...
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