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I Am Officially Weird

-Toa Lhikevikk-


From Wikipedia's article on eccentricity:


Psychologist Dr. David Weeks mentions people with a mental illness "suffer" from their behavior while eccentrics are quite happy. He even states eccentrics are less prone to mental illness than everyone else.


According to studies, there are eighteen distinctive characteristics that differentiate a healthy eccentric person from a regular person or someone who has a mental illness (although some may not always apply). The first five are in most people regarded as eccentric:


Nonconforming attitude


Intense curiosity


Happy obsession with a hobby or hobbies

Knew very early in his or her childhood they were different from others

Highly intelligent

Opinionated and outspoken

Unusual living or eating habits

Not interested in the opinions or company of others

Mischievous sense of humor


Usually the eldest, youngest or an only child

Doesn't understand non-verbal cues and hand language


1. Check.

2. Check.

3. Check.

4. Check.

5. Check.

6. Check.

7. Check? I consider myself to be of normal intelligence, but looking at most other people I've seen... [facepalm]

8. Check. Kinda.

9. Semi-check. I have slighty different habits...

10. Check. Kinda.

11. Define "mischeivous." I have a really, really weird sense of humor.

12. Check, but that's normal for my age.

13. Check, check, check.

14. No check.


Now what were the other four?


Recommended Comments

1) Check

2) Check

3) Check

4) Check

5) Biiiig check

6) Checkish

7) I try to be modest and not assert myself as highly intelligent, but yeah I guess I'm pretty smart.

8) Sometimes

9) Does wolfing your food and have not realizing you did until your plate's nearly clean count as unusual? :unsure:

10) Depends on the situation, but often yes.

11) Check

12) Check B)

13) Check on oldest

14) Nope, but maybe yes in some contexts.


So I'm eccentric, I guess.


Neat. =D

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1) Check

2) Check

3) Check

4) Check?


6) Semicheck.

7) Check. (No, I'm not being nice to myself, I have test scores. :P)

8) Sort of check ...

9) Occasionally check.

10) Not really check ...

11) Check.

12) Check.

13) Check.

14) Not really check ...

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  1. Kinda Check
  2. Check
  3. Check
  4. Check
  5. Check
  6. Check
  7. Check
  8. Not Really Check
  9. No Check
  10. Kinda Check
  11. Kinda Check
  12. Duh Check (I'm not even 13!)
  13. Check
  14. No Check
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1. Check

2. Check

3. Kind of check

4. I guess check

5. Check

6. I don't remember comparing myself to other people when I was that young. :P

7. Check.

8. Kind of check? Hard to do when you're not very social...

9. I don't think so, unless you count being a picky eater as unusual.

10. Check

11. Check

12. Check (Good, because even I would be creeped out otherwise at this age)

13. Triple check

14. Not sure. It's hard to know for that, because if I don't know about it then I don't know I don't know about it. There are hand language things I do know, though.

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Nonconforming attitude


Intense curiosity


Happy obsession with a hobby or hobbies

Knew very early in his or her childhood they were different from others

Highly intelligent

Opinionated and outspoken

Unusual living or eating habits

Not interested in the opinions or company of others

Mischievous sense of humor


Usually the eldest, youngest or an only child

Doesn't understand non-verbal cues and hand language


1. Check.

2. Check.

3. Check.

4. Check.

5. Check.

6. Check.

7. Check.

8. Check.

9. Check.

10. Check.

11. I was going to put in a joke here, but Inferna might hate me... scratch that, might kill me

12. No one loves me.

13. Youngest.

14. Check.



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