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A Lord Among Noobs

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Status Updates posted by A Lord Among Noobs

  1. YES! I was waiting for this, and hoping that we wouldn't have another Time Slip on our hands.

  2. I'm back, and, as always, nobody cares.

  3. And we are online! Yes!

  4. One cookie, coming right up.

  5. I KNEW there was going to be a movie!

  6. Okay, I'll give whoever wants to try a cookie.

  7. Seriously, nobody wants to try?

  8. So good luck getting in.


  9. In fact, I've set up a high powered security system.

  10. If you went any longer I'd have to eat your soul.

  11. Look, stop bugging me about BZPB. You're starting to annoy me.

  12. Actually, it was more of a glance.

  13. Did I know there were teams last time? No, I most certainly did not!

  14. They call him the Seeker, He's searchin' low and hiiiiiiiiigh.

  15. I did it, and I'm happy. Put credit in your sig today and receive a bonus comment, free of charge!


  17. Yeah, well, don't expect me to show up anytime soon.

  18. Tell LEGO to release Charger as a set!

  19. Is he even a real member?

  20. I like Jeff the Spider, kind of. He drives stick.

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