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Status Updates posted by Redge

  1. And I don't want to risk owning Shadow...

    It would seem we have reached an impass!

  2. If you do, I have some AWESOME custom maps.

  3. Like how I couldn't get Live and Learn out of my head, after playing a 2 HOUR long brawl in super smash bros, with live and learn playing on picto chat. Or Sonic Boom, after 2 hour long match in a custom map.

    Do you have SSBB?


  5. I only use Knuckles on the MB levels, and then only occasionally. I must say though, I HATE his all-star move. In my opinion, Sonic, Shadow, and Eggman (shadow and eggman have the same one...) have the best, although there is that thing with sonic, and the rocket thing...

  6. Well see, I WOULD set it up first day, and we did, but we couldn't keep it up. It & the Ps3 locked up the roater, and we just recently bought/made a cable for it and the Ps3 to hook up. I have bought everything except a few pieces of music. I'll tell you what my first music bought was though, "Can You Feel the Sunshine?"...

  7. OH yes, and what is your preferred character? My line up is



    BD Joe


    Zobio & Zobiko

  8. Well I've never come in last, and The only races that I've gotten below 2nd (I have come in 2nd twice only) are the monkey ball levels, with ONE exception of when I was testing out a character that I don't like for the first time and got 3rd. I haven't set up a freind code yet, as I literaly just put my Wii and Ps3 online about a week ago. I just finished my account on Ps3.

  9. No, I have it on the Wii, (Well I recently downloaded the demo for PS3, have yet to play it though), and I wasn't sure what console that you were planning on using.

  10. On the Wii or PS3?

  11. Well yeah, but it will work better in 3 months for Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik.

    After that, I am doing Black Messa.

  12. Wait a minutes, I'm a voice actor in BNG, so I'm a voice actor. With this screen name in this fad, I am playing E-123 Omega. I'm going to die!

    In addition to that, I just had surgery yesterday that is potentially canserous. O.O

  13. Yeah. My next change is November 13th, and I will still stick with the fad. I'm gunna go with:

    Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik

  14. Hey! Team Dark (standard) is now completed!

  15. Hey...!

    We made our debutes in the same game!

    (advance does not count, as creame was shoved in at the last minute before release, as they felt that her introduction in Heroes didn't explain enough, and originally Heroes was her debut game. DEAL WITH THE COLD HAND OF REALITY!)

  16. Wait...

    You were already on my friends list?

    When did that happen?



  18. Annihi-annihi-charge-fire.

    New mission: Shadow Support.

  19. Well, I finally did it.

    I became one of you.

    Shadow was taken *ahem*

    I'm not a girl so that rules out Rouge,

    I'm PRETTY sure that Metal Sonic is taken.

    So I went with this. Next time I'm doing an Eggman/Robotnik type one.

  20. @Tails: Don't forget Jack Black.

    He IS a musician you know...

    The irony of it all is that this comment will bump off the comment that I am responding to.

  21. well, they kinda did until April Fools, when they put a joke intro on. You can watch it in toons.

  22. Kinda... the first one is, and the next ones are from the same toon as the ornaments, but not the same skit.

    This one is from neither

    "Um... your already Coach Z. No need to beat a dead horse. *Dun dundundun!*"

  23. "No, I'm like the most expensive ornament on this tree by like $45."

    "Dear Tube Socks,"

    "So please disregard any hurtful words or burning that you may hear or experience."

    Those are all from the toon. Figured it out yet?

  24. "Does anyone know if it is either illegal or unethical to want to eat yourself?"

    "I sure hope not."

  25. Hm...

    I think that I liked "Dirty Burrito" better. Although it might be because I tend to not like both spaghetti westerns and romances.

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