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Bara no Mitsukai

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Everything posted by Bara no Mitsukai

  1. and I'm a legal adult...so yeah...you're a kid, kid.

  2. not LEGALLY married...or even illegally married...we're joking ^O^

  3. really? you should see what we say in private ^.~! JK ^O^

  4. an annoying TV show host who's on in the morning...

  5. what? i like food...I'm a striving-to-be-anorexically-thin guy who loves food.....wow...i'm messed up ^O^ I'm like Kelly Ripa, except I'm human!

  6. I dunno...I just....don't...like...cauliflower.....unless it's in a raspberry sauce....

  7. SNOWFLAKE IS MEGA STUBBORN! like...a cauliflower...

  8. is your new name a reference to that one Japanese Drama that has the exact same name?

  9. why? you think he's better than me? T.T

  10. what? >.> was it something I said?

  11. oh yeah...I am...trust me...but more importantly...I'm beautiful physically...and that's all that matters ^.^

  12. it's pretty...shame he didn't compose/write it T.T it would have been 100 times better....trust me...

  13. oh, possibly....for starters....

  14. you're the one who brought it up :P have you listened to any of Gackt's music?

  15. ....I can't really say, because....1, it's against BZP rules....and 2, you're young and 98% of what i would say would destroy your innocense far too early....

  16. you're the one who had to bring in deliciousness!!! ^O^

  17. >.>well..... if he were an icecream cone...I'd lick him...

  18. I know the actor who plays his role ^O^ and he may not be Jesus, but look at Gackt! he's definately not human....no human is that beautiful O.O

  19. hmm...well, at least he got to sing the opening theme ^O^

    and he looks nothing like Gackt!!! Gackt is....like Jesus....he has no equivilant!

  20. haha...I REALLY hope Gackt gets to play a role....

  21. yeah, I know you live in the Us....but Kamen Riders is a Japanese show...

  22. how do you download episodes of Kamen Rider then....or do they release the episodes with subtitles on DVD?

  23. it's not an Anime...it's a live-action drama/comedy...like Kamen Rider is...real actors ^.^ you can find it on D-addicts.

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