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Posts posted by Millennium

  1. Interesting legs. Those large armor shells from the Ordeal of fire saga rarely look good. Cool hammer as well, and mask rack, too - the blended Onua mask looks too colorful tough. The rest of the model is nice but not extraordinary, and the color scheme is kind of boring, as The Invisibile Noob said. Replace silver with lime or trans green, maybe? I'd also try to fill in those empty sockets in the hammer in some way. Maybe a pair of Bohrok eyes in the top one, and a Bohrok tooth in the other.

  2. Recently (more or less) I have entertained myself with:


    Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse. Probably a little too much existentialist for my liking. Suggestive and stimulating, but too prolix, not to mention that the main character/narrator is hateful from beginning to end, even if he does redeems himself in the final chapters - which are the most elegant, insane and surreal of all of Hesse's works. And there is jazz too.


    Eragon by Cristopher Paolini. Finally got myself to read it, thanks to a friend who sent it to me as a present. I had previously seen the movie - hideous - and read the three other books in the saga, but never Eragon. It met the expectations. Great worldbuilding, though maybe with unnecessary details.


    The antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche. I do not agree with the totality of his thougths, but it's always a pleasant read.


    Christian Jacq's Les enquetes de Setna quadrilogy. I'm not sure if I regret buying it, but I just can't resist Ancient Egypt. The ancient world is described efficiently, in a not so elaborate style, but with the right words as to make the reader get lost in it. The plot, and the leading love story, are quite ingenuous, at times even ridicolous. Really? The antagonist just wants Evil?


    An essay on hinduism. A 'forced', but pleasant, read, since in the novel I'm writing the protagonist enters ancient India, and I needed to read up stuff about it.


    Last but not least, The book of Qohelet. I was surprised how modern it is.

  3. At first glance, I failed to see an adventurer in this fella. Stunning and menacing in an elegant way, but still a warrior. Then I noticed the golden boots...and the golden coat. I thought it was weird to have that white stripe in the middle of his chest. Still, the coat looks more like the movie turaga's robes than anything. Classy and noble, not suitable for possibly hazardous journeys. But that's just me. All in all, wanderer or warrior, it's a wonderful rendition of Takanuva, pleasant to look at after dozens of Makuta - I do believe though that his staff is unnecessarily complex.

    • Upvote 1
  4. Then again..... Why do the matorans need candles when they have light stones!?


    To not be dependent on Onu-Koro's economy (and prices)?

    To not have the permanent twinkle of a lightstone disturb you as you sleep, and turn your light on and off whenever you want?

    To provide an alternative should lighstones ever run out?

  5. In terms of aesthetic and playability the Inika build (but only the true Toa Inika, mind you) was the best. They were different enough to not look like clones yet still looking like part of a team - something that all later Toa waves failed to achieve.


    The tohunga build wasn't complex nor was it any great fun to play with...but it's just so cute.


    Bohrok Va have a very special place in my heart.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Man, this is awesome. I expected something funny at first, but then... I think none of the canonical media (as far as I know) have rendered Tahu's hot temper so well, even though the will to work alone is more a Kopaka thing. The kirikori nui are great, and so their music.

    It's kind of amusing that Jaller is a lot more mature than Tahu.



    Well done!

    • Upvote 1
  7. Excellent backstory and excellent rendition. Original and lovely - it is lovely when old constraction and new constraction unite.

    My only gripe would be the shoulders: they stand out a little too much, and make the arms look disproportionately long...but that's not necessarily a flaw, they give him an ominous look, and they remind me of Chirox.


    Good job and good luck. Also, can we have a pic of him wearing the Mask of Creation?

  8. While I'm not a fan of absurdly large MOCs, I must say this one is impressive, I like it! It fits The Kingdom alternate universe Teridax more than G2 Makuta, but that will be up to Lego to decide.
    The gold and orange parts break down the anonymous black/red color scheme fairly well, and I think the green bits of his mask create a nice contrast, as if his head is on fire, or surrounded by some dark force.

  9. Aren't you being a little too harsh? Just because this one is small and simple and the others large and complex, does not mean 'it doesn't stand a chance'. The goal of the contest, as far as I know, is not 'build the biggest Makuta', and personally I think this fella nails the character of G2 Makuta pretty well, and better than others I've seen.


    As Pohatu said, "great strength can be found in small packages".

    • Upvote 3
  10. In regards to bionicle coming back... I want it to stay dead, and apparently one other person does as well. My reasoning for this is just like any series revival, I do not see it getting better if it is revived again.. I'd rather it end on a somewhat good note than being constantly revived, slowly deforming until it isn't even recognizable.

    My same thoughts, dear man (I am that other person). To be real honest, I wasn't exactly happy of Bionicle's return in 2015 (even if I did liked it in the end). I do not like reboots.


    Does the next constraction line need to be called Bionicle? Can't it be something else? I wonder what would have happened if Gen 2 Bionicle was not labeled as such, if we would have appreciated (or hated) it the same way. Maybe putting Bionicle in front of something puts the expectations of us nostalgics way too high. Then again that surely wasn't the reason of Gen 2 low sells.


    A question arises: what defines Bionicle? What makes Gen 1 and Gen 2 the same theme, other than names?

    • Upvote 1
  11. I liked the other one more. This one is outstanding, no doubt but...it has no real personality, it's 'just' a ridicolously large and complex titan, with a rather boring color scheme and design - the usual black and red demon.


    The effort and sheer amount of parts put into it is admirable, but as Makuta it is not so original as your previous one, with purple parts and cape and those bulky feral feets, that made him look bestial but also 'human', like a distorted animal-like okotoan but still 'elevated'.

  12. In the last month, I've read the following:


    • Siddhartha and Narcissus and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse. Real masterpieces. The prolix, semi-poetic and redundant syle may seem a little annoying at first, but they are flowing, inspiring novels.
    • An essay on taoism (after reading Siddhartha and before Narcissus and Goldmund. It was key in understanding eastern philosophies' influence on Hesse and his 'obsession' for dualism/duality).
    • Buddhism and theosophy and Christendom, Moral re-armament and Islam, collections of Gandhi's writings, interviews, speeches. I'd never thought that Tolstoj and Gandhi wrote letters to each other.

    ​I'm currently reading Manfredi's Empire of dragons for the third time.

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