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Posts posted by hervanax

  1. TNTOS i cant sign a contract without my layerbut i don't have onealso we all know by now if we ask you something you will just tell us it will be explained in the next/later chapter“So they kept that a secret from you, too?” asked the thief in amazement. “I never knew Klio and Kolora were so good at lying and deceiving like that. But what the Kra-Matoran Empire was is unimportant to the story. All I will tell you is that it was a bunch of evildoers seeking to conquer a universe to which they had no right, which my team and I defeated easily and righteously with help from the allies of Mata Nui. Any questions?”​best way to end an explanation ever“Whenever you make a decision in a universe, multiple other dimensions pop into existence featuring what would have happened if you had made a different choice,"i wonder if you evade an univerce and made a decision would that univerce stilt of and make two of you​also would a universe be created where you didn't evade and make it impossible to collect every signal stonethat lock is a nice concept but there's alot of room for a devils advocate TNTOS

  2. muharax blame bzpowernow that they have changed the set up i don't know where the spoiler tags areTNTOS guess what your story's are now facing a problem many great books face: people spoiling the ending for othersyour on the road to greatness

  3. “You are correct, Kiriah. I am Toa Darranas, Toa of Plasma and deputy leader of the Toa Avha, the one and only, TNTOS used plot twistnot counting my infinite alternate universe counterparts.bad guys are always the funnyist :lol:it funny how i started to get the feeling that it was toa darranas a fue paragraphs before it was revealed it was himand now i remember Mask of Charisma from a flash backi cant wate to see how this turns out

  4. causing its corpse to fall to the ground, lifeless.overkill :biggrin:now i really want to know what the time stone is forand who the theft was from Toa Darranas time because i am pretty sure they are not the same personhmm maybe there the same person from different dimensions

  5. i predict krekka will be in the groupi like krekka he was a bad guy in the real story line but that's because he was under a bad influencei am wondering why that black cloaked guy wants two time stonesand why he didn't just steal both of them instead of having ehlek bring it and possibly lose it to a sea monsterby the way are you ever going to explain the death of brutaka in a different story or is that still undecided

  6. now that its morning and i am no longer tired i will give some actual feed backfirst of all i haven't been here because i have just now figured out what the redirect on bzpowers home page was for (i wonderd why i was the only one on the old bzp)second reviewsi kind of see how this ties in to the shika nui epicsbut it wasn't how i expected it wouldon the ship my first inpression was that all the barrike(miss spelled) were on the ship and i thought that the beaing that brought them up was kalma(again miss spelled)i like how your wrighting this epic for bionicle fans that have grown up in a way so it is still vary interesting"Kiriah and I had just appeared out of nowhere, with a mask he had seen in his dreams, and had given an extremely fishy story."elecks(3rd miss spelled name) crew just dragged them out of the wateranyone want to guess what i am getting at here :sly:muharax there is sith herethe black cloaked being is a sith lordwhy else would he wear a black cloakwell that's all now on to the other story

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