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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    So I was playing Final Fantasy VII, trying to get Omnislash.
    I walk into the battle square with my 130 GP, ready for the long haul.
    2 and-a-half hours later, I'm on my last 10 GP.
    Only 250 points away from the necessary 51200.
    Get insta-killed.
    7 points short.

  2. Eeko
    Hey people!
    I haven't been on here in like, forever. Main reason being classes. College students! Tell me your secrets of maintaining any semblance of time and sanity!!!!!!
    Seriously though, I'm doing like, a hundred calculus problems a day. For a class that meets twice a week. I'm tired of it.
    But yeah, I didn't find the computer to rant, just to say that I am, in fact, not dead yet. Just looking forward to spring break.
  3. Eeko
    Finally beat Ocarina of Time. Got it a couple o' months ago. Favorite theme was probably Gerudo Valley.
    Whoever can tell me which song the title is in reference to wins.

  4. Eeko
    Saw Needtobreathe at the 9:30 club last night. Freakin' amainzing. I actual recorded one of there acoustic songs, which I will post here after the Hike-O-Ree. Which I'm leaving for right now. Any other scouts goin'?
  5. Eeko
    Well, I'm all packed up. (for the most part)
    I leave on Wednesday to go to Grove City College.
    As excited as I am, I gotta say, I'm scared to death.
    I'm not sure why, but the thought of college is just overwhelmingly terrifying.
    That'll probably all settle within my first day, but still, it's gonna be an intersting move.
  6. Eeko
    So, I was in the BZPRPG long ago, and uh, needless to say, it didn't go well.
    I'm not a very good writer, or storyteller, two very vital aspects to TBRPGs.
    So my question is:
    How much bearing does a members writing skill/ability have on your interaction with that player?
    One of the main reasons I never re-joined, other than time, is that I felt embarrassed by my posts.
    When you put my awkwardly worded rambles next to some of the works of art of other RPers, the difference is obvious.
    So yeah, is it a huge deal to you when someone who isn't so great at RPing joins the game?
  7. Eeko
    So I was wondering:
    In order to play modern games, (e.g. Skyrim, Assassin's Creed...) do I need Windows 7?
    Or can I run most games with XP?
    I haven't used a Windows PC since before Vista came out, so I'm a little out of the loop on such things.
  8. Eeko
    So my Psych professor sent out an e-mail attached with a take home test. Yet he failed to add a due date. I'm supposed to do yard work all weekend, and my Calc homework, all before Monday. And now a test apparently. I don't really know because he DIDN'T SEND A DUE DATE!!!
    *composes self*
    However, the bright side to this is that it is a take home test, meaning there is little pressure when doing it. Just pressure as to when I can do it.
  9. Eeko
    So I was waiting to watch Legend of Korra, so I could watch it with my sibilings.
    But now it's offline.
    I am royally enraged now.
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