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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    So it seems I haven't been around a lot recently, as shown by my still having a christmas themed avatar.
    So, basic life update:
    Finished freshman year of college! Yay! Party time all around!
    That's pretty much it! I haven't been able to get a job this summer, although not for lack of trying. I swear I must've applied to every business in the area.
    Now for the kinda bummer reason I started this entry.
    I just found out that my family hasn't been able to make the mortgage payments on our house, and as such, we have to sell it and move out within the next six months.
    For me, this means that when I leave in August for school, it'll be the last I see of my childhood home. This is gonna be pretty rough, so please, keep me and my family in your thoughts and/or prayers.
    I'm not entirely sure how this is gonna work out.
    Sorry for coming back with such a bummer post. :/
  2. Eeko
    Oh man, that was a fantastic game.
    I want this to be a movie, preferably directed by the Coen Brothers. It would be fantastic.
  3. Eeko
    So I was at Hot Topic earlier, and totally saw both a Dr. Whooves and Derpy shirt.
    But I didn't get one.
    Because of reasons.
  4. Eeko
    Day 21
    Well, we had the freshman swim test today. Which was passed without much issue.
    Did some basic level kinematic stuff in Phys lab.
    Aaand that's about all the interesting stuff.
    I've got my first 'real' test tomorrow, so... later!
  5. Eeko
    Day 3
    Not a whole lot happened today.
    I bought my 650 dollars worth of books, and lugged 'em all the way across campus. Man those were heavy.
    Finally got some game time in, so I played some Assassin's Creed II.
    Lastly, we had a carnival at around 8:00, which was pretty awesome. They had the typical carnival type games, but they also had a Gamecube set up, and were running Melee games. I owned my first round as Sheik, and then was promptly creamed because of Big Blue.
    Like I said, not a lot happened.
  6. Eeko
    I'm really bad at maintaining a blog.
    I saw Elysium last night, hilariously bad.
    The acting was phenomenal, the idea was brilliant, but the script made me want to remove my ears.
    My sister and I had a good laugh.
    I'm leaving for school in a little under two weeks, so I should really start packing for that.
    Excited to go though.
    That's about all I've got, I'm coming off a sickness, so that's why I didn't post in Staff Survivor for like, two days.
  7. Eeko
    Oh man the A-Team montage was the greatest thing ever. I will now rest until I find A-Team/CMC art.
    Also, Sweetie Belle is still best pony ever. Especially golden.
  8. Eeko
    Well, I'm all packed up. (for the most part)
    I leave on Wednesday to go to Grove City College.
    As excited as I am, I gotta say, I'm scared to death.
    I'm not sure why, but the thought of college is just overwhelmingly terrifying.
    That'll probably all settle within my first day, but still, it's gonna be an intersting move.
  9. Eeko
    Alternate Title: I'm Not Dead!!
    But yeah, classes start tomorrow.
    I've got Physics II, Calc II, Intro to Computer Programming, Another Humanities Course The Name Of Which I Can't Recall, Phys Ed., and Cello Lessons.
    (no i don't play cello, i just want to)
    But yeah, I barely managed to beat Echoes before I left, so Corruption's gonna have to wait a while. 10
    And I'll still be trying to get that laser to work.
  10. Eeko
    Finally got around to watching the first six episodes.
    Oh man I love this show.
    Bolin is the best. Forever.
    Anyone know what the delay is between an episode airing, and when it shows up on Nickelodean's site?
  11. Eeko
    So I bought the album "White Blood Cells" a few days ago.
    Holy cow it's amazing.
    Jack White writes lyrics like The Beatles, and music like early Rush.
    The Union Forever is an incredible song.
  12. Eeko
    I swear, I will eventually blog about something else. This is all I've had time for so far.
    Day 6
    Let me just go on record saying that it should be a crime to give someone morning and night classes on the same day.
    I got up early to go to an 8:00 Fitness and Wellness class, then more Calc.
    I did some more work as DA, just delivering and picking up stuff mostly.
    I did get to talk with one of the Physics Professors about doing some independant research in the laser lab, which would be sweet.
    Then there was Chem lab, which was mostly just getting to know the software we'll be using.
    Lastly I have an (ugh) 6:30-9:00 Humanities class.
    The instructor is great and fun.
    But still, two and-a-half hours of humanities.
    As far as non-academia activities... I bought by dad a birthday card, and that was about it. Tuesday's are pretty busy it seems.
  13. Eeko
    So, AC: Brotherhood has been beaten. Definitely my favorite in the series so far. Cesare has some of the best voice acting I've seen in a while.
  14. Eeko
    Day 74
    First day of PhysCon!!! *woohoo*
    Today we had a bus tour of Kennedy Space Center, and we played in the coolest play area ever.
    Later, there was a speaker who talked about a few topics, mostly involving space travel. Seeing as he's been on five Hubble repair missions, he seemed pretty qualified.
    I can't wait for tomorrow, it's really cool being surrounded by all these physics students.
  15. Eeko
    I'm holding off on the finale until I can watch the whole thing in one sitting. Preferably in 1080 pi.
    So it might be tonight.
    In other news, I just had to chase a swarm of bees out of my cat's food dish so he could eat.
  16. Eeko
    So I went to my friends house for our annual "light things on fire until they make pretty colors" party.
    Oh man.
    It was awesome.
    I torched my thumb while lighting a spark fountain, it turned quite a lovely shade of red with a few black bits.
    I almost lit my shirt on fire, but I got the sparks out in time.
    We also set off a huge chain reaction of around 10 fireworks, each one lighting the next one.
    So good.
  17. Eeko
    So hey guys, I'm having some trouble with one of my Custom Maps, titled "The Grid".
    When I subscribe to it, it won't show up on my queue. Normally I could just load up the file, but I made it on my laptop, and am trying to play it on my desktop.
    Any idea why this is? Will it work for someone else?
  18. Eeko
    Well, I'm all moved in.
    First day has been pretty exciting.
    Although Steam won't run in anything but Offline Mode here, and I can't seem to connect my Macbook to the wifi.
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