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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Eeko

  1. Eeko
    Day 78
    Yeah, I missed posting this yesterday. I was beat.
    Also, I had a mini panic attack on the airplane ride home. Not fun.
    In better news:
    Fluttershy suit is the funniest thing ever.
    I also made what is both the greatest and worst decision. I read through all of Woonastuck in one sitting.
    My word.
    The adorableness-ocity.
    It looks like I've got a super busy week leading up to Thanksgiving break. I can almost taste the turkey.
  2. Eeko
    Day 37
    Today was pretty good. I got more homework done then I expected, and still beat Psychonauts, and read some Game of Thrones.
    I also just watched Inception with some guys on my hall, so that was fun.
  3. Eeko
    Dang SA-X is hard, finally got a good rhythm going, just to die by the Omega.
    But nonetheless, I finally beat it. Gameplay wise, I think it's my favorite Metroid so far, although I just love the atmosphere of Metroid II
  4. Eeko
    Day 23
    Well, today my Chem professor decided to surprise the class with a group assignment that he swears he told us about before, but no one knew about it.
    So that'll be fun. Since it's due Tuesday.
    I attempted to download Black Mesa, but the files were corrupted, and I didn't feel like using another 6 hours for downloading.
    Completely unrelated, but I think I've finally gotten the hang of the one-handed card cut. Took me a while though.
    To wrap up, I just thought you all should know that I had to deal with my sister texting me the lyrics to Friday, with each line in it's own text. Over a period of three hours.
    I'm going to kill her.
  5. Eeko
    I'm going to shoot something.
    I tried to kill that thing for two hours.
    I got him so close, maybe two more hits, and then he killed me.
    I don't even.
  6. Eeko
    Hey everyone, I'm planning on changing my avatar/banner to the coolest character, from the coolest game series ever. That's right, I'm talking about…Knuckles. But I need your guys' help to decide on which banner.
    The 460x80

    Or the 250x100?

    ~ :e:
  7. Eeko
    Day 86
    So I started AC: Brotherhood today. It's pretty cool so far, althoug it once again has terrible menu controls for the PC. If you're using the "end" key for anything, you're probably doing it wrong.
  8. Eeko
    Well, just applied for a position at Starbucks.
    *is hopeful*
    Seeing as I've never had a real job, some money would be nice.
    In other news, I just realised that I will be out-of-state in college by the time the third season of MLP starts.
    That's depressing.
  9. Eeko
    Day 13
    Slinked out of bed at 6:00 again, I'm still recovering from the long weekend.
    OMG. Calc is so incredibly boring when you have to repeat it. Having to go back to limit laws is the most painfully tedious process in the world.
    Had lunch witb some guys on my hall, and I believe one of them is a brony. More evidence is required though.
    Chem Lab was so-so, it was a very easy lab. Dealing with the various masses of different concentrations of salt solutions. We had to cut the lab a little short, since there was a gas leak further down the hall, and the entire Science building was evacuated. So me and my lab partner finished up in another building.
    Around this time, it started raining. A lot. Like, way too much. Not fun.
    Finished up the day with my 2 and-a-half hour Civ course.
    I gotta give credit to that professor, for a course that I care nothing about, he does a great job of keeping it interesting. Not many people can define epistemology soley through Monty Python quotes.
    See ya'll later!
  10. Eeko
    Day 43
    Hey guys, who's got two thumbs, and their dad just sent them an iPhone 5?
    This guy. B)
    So that was a pretty awesome highlight of my day, plus I got a decent amount of work done.
    I'd say I can write this off as a good day.
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