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Status Updates posted by -Absorba-

  1. ... Wierd Avatar.

  2. ...and so my webcomic career starts again. By ripping off LNU. XD

    1. Chath


      Ah, we all rip each other off at some point.

    2. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD

      I don't rip off comics.

      I had this idea for a comic strip about a Cat name Garth Feild and he shares a house with a Dog named Grody, and their owner is name is Shawn.

      It is so original.


  4. "You have 1 comments." Oh, Bzpower system, you so silly.

    1. Soran


      haha, I find it entertaining how websites are like that.

  5. "You have excellent logical skills. For a meatbag."

  6. "You have excellent logical skills. For a meatbag."

  7. *sees new username* I think I just had a braincell diminish from a bad pun. XD

    1. -DJ-


      Obviously not, because it's an amazing pun. XD

  8. 1. Yeah, I made a lot of pictures without sprites.

  9. 2. Check your PMs.

  10. 21 years old already!? Time freaking flies, doesn't it?

  11. A chihuahua? Heh. You're getting more random every time I see ya. That's why I admire you, Les. (That's how I like to call you. :P )

  12. Abloogy woogy woo.

    1. Dr. Giggles PhD

      Dr. Giggles PhD


  13. Actually, It's kinda fimiliar. From Block Quest.

  14. Actually, since I'm in China right now, I actually, thanks to the miracle of timezones, have 48 hours of my birthday. Sad part is, my birthday is on the same day school begins. :(

  15. Ah. Check out my comics?

  16. Anyone like the new pic?

  17. Apparently, 12 Million Americans Believe Lizard People Run America. What.

    1. Chath


      Yeah we try to ignore them... The Lizard People that is. They try their best.

    2. -DJ-


      GUYS! you're not supposed to talk about the izard-lay eople-pay or else the government comes after you!

    3. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      I love that episode of dr who so much.

  18. Appy 'Alloween!

  19. Can you please explain your sig?

  20. Can you teach me how to animate?

  21. Check my comics?

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