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Status Updates posted by -Absorba-

  1. Man, you have a big sig.

  2. Uh huh. But if it's facial expressions, then you need to ask. By the way, Dark, can I use em?

  3. Your avatar is funny (no pun intended there.) :P

  4. Funny Avatar! (no pun intended)

  5. "You have excellent logical skills. For a meatbag."

  6. "You have excellent logical skills. For a meatbag."

  7. Hey, if you want to co-author in another comic series of mine, tell me. I need a handful of co-authors.

  8. My new series will go on until people stop sending me questions. Or if it becomes too tiring. D:

  9. Actually, since I'm in China right now, I actually, thanks to the miracle of timezones, have 48 hours of my birthday. Sad part is, my birthday is on the same day school begins. :(

  10. Chek my blog and see my day yesterday.

  11. Pokemon Black 2 is surprisingly good. Too bad I can't transfer my Heartgold Pokemon....

  12. If you are so good at spriting, maybe you should update your... Shubin? Is that it? Kit.

  13. Hey ToS. Heh, ToS.

  14. Not much. Just making some more Futurama and standard comics.

  15. Could you probably get some other guys involved in Suvivormatoran? I wanna get this to be a co-author series.

  16. I love Ponyo. Great movie. :S

  17. No, I meant I was litterally alive. Didn't you hear? I was in a car accident a few weeks ago and broke my clavicle. That's okay if you didn't know.

  18. I didn't think you would know, all of the news was on the Caption Contest.

  19. Support my comics?

  20. Maybe by posting in it?

  21. Support my comics?

  22. No! My comics have been deleted.

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