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Status Updates posted by Overlord

  1. You're welcome. I'm doing fine. And you?

  2. You're welcome. You're one of the people who I make sure to check up on, besides ACFII and Morgoth Bauglir.

  3. You're welcome... for what my welcome is worth. :P

  4. You've been assigned the rank of Assassin!

  5. You've got to post on your PBZP! :P jk

  6. Your "nobodies" actually remind me of a character in a book... except he just uses his knowledge of emotion for manipulatory purposes instead of acting like he had...

  7. Your account has been activated!

  8. Your art is rather nice.

  9. Your avatar is bizarre. Care to explain the origins? :P

  10. Your avatar reminds me of a member named Draxon... any connection?

  11. Your banner is approvified and stuff by staff and such. :P

  12. Your best bet is eBay - that's where it was last spotted. The set number is 7397.

  13. YOUR CERTAVUS DIDN'T WIN *~* *bangs head against wall* Oh well.

  14. Your Certavus is the only Certavus that looks like Certavus and it isn't winning. *~*

  15. Your comments box is too long. Let me shorten it for you...

  16. Your display name is now a name in LEGO Exo-Force. :P

  17. Your friendship with B6 and Omi is one-sided. :P

  18. Your house cannot be in the middle of the street. Cannot you see that that is ridiculous?

  19. Your hypothesis on protodermis is quite interesting...

  20. Your hypothesis(es) were/are right - Pahrak-Kal would have to ionize atoms, or strip their electrons! O~o I don't get how he'd be able to do that.

  21. Your idea for adapting Kanohi Olda to fit the Av-Matoran head is rather useful... but as I don't have any spare screwdrivers, I can't use it. :P

  22. Your inbox be full, sire.

  23. Your interests lie along the same lines as mine, except my interests in my profile have nothing to do with anything but one of my interests. :P

  24. Your life can't be as crazy as some, though. :P

  25. Your link appears to be broken.

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