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Status Updates posted by Overlord

  1. An odd avatar you have. :P jk

  2. DELETE SOME MESSAGES, WILL YOU? I can't even send Fire Wire!

  3. He will see that the Overlord is superior to someone too lazy to post interests. :P

  4. Is it fine to make a new version of my old topic if the other one is closed?

  5. Ellipses are fine to use...

  6. Happy new year!

  7. Whereas I never tire.

  8. My world is muuuuuuuuch laaaaaaaarger than that. :sidegrin:


    That is to say, Overlord's world. :P


    And I probably will, but hey, I still probably won't post in the topic. :P

  9. The Vahki may be gone... but WE will rise.

  10. "Sire" means father. Would you by chance like to read any of my three short stories?

  11. Hello! You are now five stars. :)

  12. I also like the Cordak Blaster.

  13. Second comment: I look forwards to yours. And I'll be posting my five Gali Mistika revamps. :P Anyway, the days don't really fly by for me... I remember almost everything, too. As a consequence, my memory's starting to go. >_

  14. Heh, didn't know Avak turned into a Toa. :P

  15. I like your interests (on your profile, that is). :P

  16. Wait, what the queschin be? I forgettin.

  17. The Overlord sees. It thanks you.

    Didn't know you could use spacebar like that.

  18. Yes... what else? Inspectors are some of the most elite. They watch over everything and everyone. They deceive, spy, infiltrate...

  19. MY avatar is good. Also, I might put up some in my Brickshelf, so watch for that.

  20. Sorry. It isn't too important.

  21. Hello! You share a name with one of my BZP friends - namely, Morgoth. :P

  22. I agree to disagree with your personal statement.

  23. Two sequels to Fire Lost are up.

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