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Status Updates posted by Klak

  1. Am I the only one who thinks Bronies shouldn't go overboard?

    1. Sinclair


      Nope.avi. They -definitely- shouldn't go overboard.....

    2. Klak
  2. Poot teleport here!

  3. Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

  4. Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

  5. Poot sentry here!

  6. Happy Good Friday!

  7. Welcome to Bzpower! I hope you enjoy your yonny old stay! Avoid any Russian Aeroplanes!

  8. I wonder what the prank is.

  9. Bionicle Rules with a Z.

  10. They brought back Hapori Tohu!

  11. Gottam look at all these articles.

  12. News, news, lots of news. Hope to see it all.

  13. Keep in mind that if Star Trek fans had, as a group, said, "No point in talking about this anymore, it's never going to come back," it never WOULD have come back. -- Greg Farshtey

  14. I'm back! (o)

  15. Happy Chinese New Year!

  16. It's not a crime to be a manly guy, and its not a crime to be a girly girl.

  17. "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

  18. Punish the victim, glorify the guilty.

    1. Klak


      That's how society thinks these days.


  20. Join the Yonolution (o)

  21. Merry Christmas!

  22. Holiday shopping is stressful. But let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas!

  23. Wow. I can't believe I've been gone for two days. :P

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