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Queen of Noise

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Status Updates posted by Queen of Noise

  1. Hahahah...that's funny! But I'll give you a funnier scenario. How about I just -take- the c4...and kill you?




    Ah, the death of that infernal birdboy: one of my crowning achievements, hahahahaha!

  3. Well that's 'cause you've been hanging out with Ivy all the time, Harlequin.

  4. I can't help it if you're making me giggle! =3

    I'm not laughing -at- you; I'm laughing because the things you do are making me smile. Sheeeesh. ;3

  5. Whaaaat, what's the matter? =P

  6. hay girl ur silly : o


  8. I C U

    Spying on my profile!


  9. Irresistible charm cannot be resisted! And redundancy is redundant.

  10. Hay.

    ur awsum.


  11. He's thinking that right now. He's thinking that I'm thinking that right now.

  12. We sent our allies to save the rest while you were busy with us, and they succeeded. Anyway, I'm ready for some super-slumber, now that I've drained this mug. You think about what a naughty fella you've been and if you're really sorry we might come back and turn off the machine someday. Anyway, good night! *turns light out and leaves with Niki*

  13. Never mind him, Confused. Let's retire for the evening. *hands bag of marshmallows for the cocoa*

  14. In your dreams, bucko.

    Anyway we're heading off to have some heroic hot chocolate. You enjoy being tickled for all eternity. Good night, fair chap!

  15. ^_^

    cheers. *hands mug of hot chocolate*

  16. Right. Keep on 'succeeding.' *hooks up automatic tickling machine and leaves Dalek tied up bearing the full force of it*

    Confused, I think we saved the day! Another brilliant plan! :3

  17. oh...

    ...uh, forget I said anything about that slushie time; uh, never happened, nope, no way...

    *punches Dalek in the face*

  18. This is a true D&C defeating! *gets SuperTickleFeather and tickles* >:3

  19. Hey c'mon you gotta forgive me for that one time; I was out of money and I couldn't afford even a seven-eleven slurpee so I hadta make my own slushie for you and I guess I'm not really good at making slushies and I already said I was sorry (I'm sorry) ._.

  20. I had no idea you had that power! It must be comparable to my hot-chocolate-creating power.

    WELL whatever the case, let's teach this little miscreant a LESSON! INTO BATTLE! HUH?!

  21. *kicks foot through cell wall*

    Hey there. :3

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