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Queen of Noise

Premier Members
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Status Updates posted by Queen of Noise


  2. I'm waiting for a phone call. D:

  3. Baking is wonderful! It's like science for hungry people!

  4. I'd settle for that.


  6. Absolutely; it's not copyrighted or anything; it's just text on a black background.

  7. Ssssh I'm on lunch break :]

  8. Hey, I love that sig quote WHO SAID IT i bet it was a handsome dude B)

  9. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!! ^_^

    But I did warn you it'd be sad! D:

  10. All right, thanks for the clarification - but, as said in the BBC Forum rules, member-run contests are not allowed in BBC. The can be posted in blogs, however; you could get someone to co-host it with you.

  11. I may be nonfungible but I am definitely a FUN GI, as in "guy," because it rhymes, see? Ha ha ha oh my wit and spleen.

  12. What is a BZPC?

  13. I saw somebody mention Tesla on here. My first thought was 'BOWIE!' My second thought was 'KATE BEATON!'

  14. Oh goodness, it was bloody awful. Trite, trope-laden, wretchedly predictable plot, one-dimensional characters with little-to-no development, ham-handed delivery...ugh, everything about the film was bad. If it hadn't been sparkly CGI, that movie would have received nothing but ridicule, and deservedly. CGI does not a good film make.

  15. "DX: Legend of Love" was also spiff

  16. I think my favourite name of yours is still Miss Bianca. Rescuers Down Under rocks so hard.

  17. Nikira, you are hereby bestowed with the Best Hugger in the World Award, for consistent giving of extremely wonderful hugs and also for general awesomeness.

  18. This lady deserves her five stars, fo sho =D

  19. Beautiful person alert!

  20. I'm hugging her anyway


    I don't have swine flu and I love you =)

  21. Rescuers Down Under best Rescuers movie ever

  22. Sure, but I gotta roll with the Billy Joel

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