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Tylerax Toa of Awesome

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Status Updates posted by Tylerax Toa of Awesome

  1. New chapter is up for my comedy!

  2. My new chapter of those Crazy Sets is up!

  3. Thank you very much!:) Do you want me to return the favor?

  4. Hey where's your post in my Skrall recolor topic? :P But what do you think of Ghost Rider?

  5. Hey Solar! Wanna check out my Skrall Recolors and Ghost Rider?

  6. Cool! I'll check it out if I have time

  7. Did this guy die or did he go to Mars? Is he even here?

  8. Thanks for replying. I posted in one of your topics put just let me know if you want me to post in more of them.

  9. Welcome to BZPower! Do you wanna read my comedy sometime?

  10. Woops, I mean I fought the law and I won.

  11. oh well. Next time ask me what would be a good topic ok?

  12. I think it's great that you don't spend 3 pages on scenery discription. When other books do that it makes me lose interest.

  13. It's ok I can be slow at times too. :P

  14. I found some fun computer games. Glatorian Arena can be a challenge. By the way you sent a message to me on the Wii right?

  15. Oh that explains it. *facepalm* I'll do that right now.

  16. A tester? That sounds great to me! Where did you learn to make games?

  17. Thank you! :) Do you got your liscense by any chance?

    Anyway did you ever see that abridged stuff? Sorry if I'm annoying you about it but it's really funny.

  18. So what did you think of my comedy?

  19. Thank you for posting in my Skrall Recolor topic! What did you think of Ghost Rider?

  20. Thanks! I hardly have time to MOC anymore. I'll make sure to reply in some of your topics.

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