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Posts posted by Valendale

  1. Looks good, but so do most modulars. I'll probably get this, while I still haven't gotten the garage yet, but that may just be because corner buildings are harder to find space for. 

    I wish more focus had been put into the bookshop though. From the pictures here, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of bookselling really going on in the interior. More than just the single book would have been much better.

    Also, the fall leaves might clash with the green seen on other trees in the modular street, but it would be easy enough to change them out, and it's nice to have some autumnal leaf colors either way. The inclusion of a birch tree specifically is also cool.

  2. On 11/25/2019 at 2:20 PM, Master Inika said:

    The two major bombshells of my childhood: the death of Matoro, and the death of BIONICLE. In a weird way, it just feels like time hasn't moved the same way since then. 2004, I think of Metru Nui, Nidhiki, Vakama, and so much other distinctive stuff. 2016... did anything even happen then? It's become a joke with some of my friends that nothing significant happened in 2013. No one can remember anything important from that year. It's like the Time Slip. I just miss BIONICLE so much. But it's not just that I miss BIONICLE. I miss reading BIONICLE in middle school and making MOCs when I got home, and it's not LEGO's fault I don't have that anymore. They did a good job with it and I'm thankful for all of it, even the Piraka Rap.

    Honestly the amount of story content Bionicle managed to churn out while basically telling a complete story confined to each year is one of the most truly remarkable aspects of the franchise. Even big franchises from huge companies often have this problem of lore content being so dripped out and small that it's hard to answer simple questions like "What's going on right now?"

  3. When I first saw this I definitely thought it was a link to an April Fool's day article.

    Honestly I'm not 100% sure what LEGO gets out of this deal beyond access to data, which could be very valuable. I don't think we'll be seeing any immediate changes, but we'll just have to wait and see I guess.

  4. So I got caught up on the story today. Enjoyed all the fight scenes in the most recent chapter.

    Is there any particular reason you decided to go for the Sanok over Garai for Hewkii? I'll admit, I didn't remember which was which off the top of my head and assumed we were going to get a gravity vs. gravity fight until the Sanok was activated.

  5. 1 hour ago, Darth Jaller said:

    I like it, too; the theme's aesthetic is incredibly cool, with the feel of a run-down and lived-in world, even before you get to the added spooky atmosphere. Said spooky atmosphere being just about my level of intensity, since I'm not into big horror stuff, but like a bit of fairly tame thrill xD I love the ghost-puppy piece, in particular!

    Yeah, I like the fact that most of the sets are still solid enough even if you remove the horror elements. Especially since we've gotten a lot of things that don't get done that often in other more realistic themes. School, restaurant, etc.

    And the ghost dog is great! I have him sitting on my desk with me right now actually. 

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  6. Anyone else have any opinions on this theme? I only have once set so far, the Shrimp boat, but I like it. I do like the theme as a whole since I'm a fan of spooky stuff, but I'm at a point in my life where a set has to strongly appeal to me for me to pick it up. I like a lot of the pieces the theme has introduced too.

    I'm definitely going to be getting at least one of the theme's 2020 sets which were revealed recently though. The portal set contains the "ghost legs" in both red and yellow and I'm very excited to add those parts to my collection.

    I tried the app out, but it seemed pretty boring, didn't really appeal to me. I was disappointed that the augmented reality functions only worked with the boat itself and not the whole set. The color wheel and the enemies being separated into 3 colors seemed a little arbitrary and the app read the wrong color from the set at times. I do like that the app has a mode you can play without needing any sets though. That's great, especially for kids who might not have a lot of money to spend. I don't like that you're encouraged to just replay the same levels over and over with no real new content though. 

  7. It reminds me a lot of Vorox/Zesk from 2009 and I see you even used one of those heads. I could definitely see it as being a prototype of such or filling a similar story role.

    Good moc, I like using the system parts to add little biomechanical details.

  8. I gotta agree with the above post, things like Drop Ship Pilot, HF FM, and Recon Team are mainly what I liked about HF rather than what I didn't.

    Besides, if you take away all that, how much is really left? Wasn't HF FM like most of the story content, at least early on? That would be kind of like throwing out MNOG from Bionicle.

  9. Wow, I really like this. The last real constraction moc I made (which was way too long ago now) was also a pirate. I think yours is a lot better though. You did a great job on basically the same concepts I tried for: Wearing clothing and incorporating system pirate pieces. I really like the cloak and belt and the crow's nest in the peg leg.(A much better idea than my shoulder mounted cannons.) Maybe I'll try my hand at remaking mine at some point. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Mukaukau Nuva said:

    In particular, I want to talk about the journey to Mata Nui. In 'canon,' this trip consists of a scouting mission on the Lhikan, a trip back to Metru Nui, and a final airship passage back to Mata Nui. LoMN wisely condenses this trip down to just one passage, knowing correctly that what really matters here isn't the minutia of continuity, but thematic coherence and plot structure. Bionicle, as something to be uncovered, isn't a story; it is mythology crafted for children. The myths of our own world are full of contradiction and simplification, and yet this does not lessen their impact. LoMN, I think, is smart enough to know this.

    That was actually another thing I didn't like about the film. As I said earlier, I didn't get into Bionicle until later, so I didn't see LoMN until far after the fact, so I already had a good idea of the over all story. I remember thinking something along the lines of "wait, where's the part where they go back for the rest of the matoran and find Metru Nui infested with spiders"

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