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Kask Daxxe

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Status Updates posted by Kask Daxxe

  1. OOM-7 Lands in the hanger.Darth Haita

    Shoots the bridge off a Ventor.

  2. hi timese infinity,TIMES pickles TIMES cherrey coke TIMES chocolate milk!

  3. ek, how did you find me?

  4. OOM-7 orders the turrets of a ventor attacked.

  5. woosh. woosh?


  6. not even close!

    P.S. HI!!!!!!!!!potato!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. welcome to bzp!!!!

    p.s. check out my comics!

  8. im unique , im te only one im ma school wit dis nom.

  9. if you think you look stuipid in my comics, pm me and ill remove it!

  10. im just commenting to get back to my page.

  11. moc, iv`e got up a new comic up!

  12. your next pgs comic is up!

  13. ok but i need your comic first.

  14. hello!

    thanks for visiting my page

  15. well its old but ive just put it in.

  16. check dat gavla and co.s comic 3.0, theres somthing there................



  17. ...............


  18. I have a banner link thing and you are in it.

  19. i could make you a animation pic(gif)

    want one??

  20. woa! i can comment myself!

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