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Makuta of Comedy

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Status Updates posted by Makuta of Comedy

  1. you make the best MOc's i've ever seen.

  2. orly, then im wrong lol

  3. k, ill make the next comic, also im going to remake my comic so that the tilt doesnt have the white around it

  4. THANKS TOA LEVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. thnkx, happeh new year to all and to all a good night! lol

  6. your comedys are funny

  7. I finished chapter 3 in my comedy, tell me what you think

  8. okay, i was thinking of re-opening my old comedy series where you were a charecter in, i want to know if you would still like to be in the series

  9. galigees been banned!!!!

  10. hi teridax123 long time no talk, wats up

  11. really cool personal photo

  12. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, why, why have u been banned!!!!

  13. i have no idea were they went, and ur comedy has over 1,000 views

  14. all u need two do is fill out this new form:





    an obsession:

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