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Posts posted by Rama~Swarm

  1. There's a theory circulating that it was BZP that caused it to be cancelled.

    Apparently BZP went down for a long time shortly before Bionicle was cancelled. Since BZP holds a firm monopoly on Bionicle discussion most fans had nowhere else to go. When BZP finally came back the daily population had dropped significantly. Lego saw the drop in the popularity of BZP as a drop in the popularity of Bionicle and overreacted by cancelling Bionicle altogether.What Lego didn't understand was that most of the people who left had already lost interest in Bioncle and stuck around for the community. The sale of Bionicle products would not likely have been effected at all.There's a video out there called Bionicle Autopsy:The Monopoly of BZPower where they talk about this. I'd provide a link, but it's on a website we can't link to. If you do watch it take what you read with a grain of salt because the author seems to be a conspiracy theorist of sorts and talks about a shadow organization he claimed helped BZP destroy its competition.I'm not saying this is in fact why Bionicle was cancelled, but it is a believable theory.

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  2. I went through my old masks and found the first infected Hau I ever owned and started thinking about my old custom Toa. It brought back a lot of memories of the old days of BZP back when the community was very small.

  3. Teen Titans and Halo as Lego themes? Now that'd be great.

    Slight problem with Halo, besides it being based on M- and T-rated games: rights for sets are owned by Mega Bloks. *gags*Also, another series I'd like is Jurassic Park. They had the Films sets, but I'd like a series based just on the movies, no cameras and directors. New dinosaur builds would be good.

    It could happen. The 4th film in the Jurassic Park franchise will be released in June, although I'm not certain lego would want to do another dinosaur theme so soon after the current one.



    Personally I'd like to see an Elder Scrolls theme, though that's probably not very likely.

  4. I played back in Junior high and High school, then again between a year or two ago. I still enjoy the game, but I can't afford to buy new decks.


    I tend to like cards that cost very little to play.


    My favorite deck is a Black/Green agro deck made up of mostly 1 cost cards and cheap infect creatures. It's designed with a turn 2-4 victory in mind. If I don't win by then I'll probably lose.


    I've also got a greatt deck using Questt for the Holy relic and some 0 cost creatures. I can't necessarily win on turn one, but with the right opening hand I can't lose.


    My burn deck uses Pyromancer's Ascention, Iscocron Scepter and Chandra to abuse red cards costing 1-2 mana.


    For multiplayer I have a few decks, but the one I really like is my grave pact deck.


    I'm working on a new multiplayer deck to abuse Urza's Armor which prevents me from taking any damage from last laugh. I build a bunch of tokens, then kill one off. Last laugh clears the board and kills off every player except me thanks to Urza's Armor. Quite possibly the best idea I've ever had, assuming I can find a way to quickly generate the necessary tokens.

  5. I read Ender's game and the first couple in the series a couple years ago. They're some good books. I don't have a lot of time right now because of school and work, but over the summer I'm been planning on finishing the series.


    Well, unless you plan on

    reading the entire series (which I do recommend :P) there's at least two short stories written by Card set in the Enderverse, one of them being "Mazer in Prison" (the name of the other one escapes me at the moment).

    You don't say? I'll have to check into those.

  6. If I had to pick one thing that annoys me it would be the clogged up CoT forum. For many many years I've felt it would improve things to sepparate it into 4 forums. One for discussion, one for forum games and RPGs and a third to act as an Off topic voting booth. Now that Bionicle has ended this would probably serve BZPower even more by keeping theI would keep the idea of posts not counting toward your post count though. It would continue encourage discussion outside of the Non-Lego Forums which is essential to keep up the Lego theme.

  7. Just picked up n attack of the wargs and it's pretty nice. The tree isn't as impresive in person as it looks on the box, but it provides a bunch of brown and green pieces which my collection needed. The wargs are pretty BA, but my favorite part has to be the rocks.

  8. Kickstarter is for people who don't have money for a project or don't want to work for it.Lego is a successful corporation.Sooooo.Yeah.
    I disagree strongly. True, kickstarter is designed mainly for small companies to get started, but the same model could easily be used to allow large successful companies the opportunity to take a risk. In this case that risk would bbe to bring back a dead toyline. It would also allow Lego the chance to judge the potential interest and success the community could provide for the rebirth of Bionicle.I am no longer a Bionicle fan and I wouuld likely never buy another Bionicle set, but I would be willing to donate at least $20 if it could help to breathe new life into this community and allow those here who still enjoy Bionicle to continue to do so.
  9. Another survey/ Well I guess I got nothing better to do for another hour.1. When was your favourite point during your stay on BZP?I'd say the first year after I joined was the most enjoyable. It kinda reminds of now, though with less enthusiasm and hope.2. How long have you been a member of BZP?I'm not certain. I think I joined within the first 3-4 months of Bionicle Zone's existance. [Edit: Nearly 11 years.]3. Should that previous question have been the first question?Toss up really. Whatever works works.4. Have you had any long disapperances from BZP? If so, why?I would say at least half the time I spent as a member on these forums was spent away from here. I just lost interest in the direction Bionicle was going and once lego changed the colors I got fed up and faded away.5. Are you as interested in BZP as you used to be?I used to be obsessed. I doubt I ever could be again.6. Do you feel that BZP is slowly losing its members, or that BZP generally has less activity?Last time I was here before my most recent return Bionicle was still a theme and BZPower was as active as it had ever been. I expect that in time this community will fade away unless changes are made.7. If Bionicle had not been replaced, do you think that BZP would always remain strong as long as Bionicle was ‘updated‘‘ on a regular basis?There was no decent competition for BZP. If Bionicle had continued froever then I am sure BZPower would have reigned for as long as people still found Bionicle interesting.8. Have I asked enough questions yet?If I say no will there be more surveys?9. Do you want a hug?No comment.

  10. 1. What country are you from?I wish I could say the California Republic.2. What languages do you speak?English, scraps of Italian, German and spanish. Not enough to really converse, but I can throw out some mean Spanlitaligermanish.3. Can you easily buy Lego products in your country?Yes, though I heard Lego is becoming more restrictive on what stores can buy at wholesale which will basically kill of any small business' chances at selling LEGO Bricks for a profit arround here.4. Can you still find Bionicle/older Hero Factory sets in your shops?Just the stores like Marshals which sell older stuff the bigger chains can't sell.5. How long does it take for the latest Lego sets to reach stores?Not long. A couple weeks at most.6. Do you buy Lego products in shops or online? Which is easier?Wherever I can get the better deal. Usully I buy through shops impulsively. 7. Would you like to see more Lego products available in your country?Well I can get pretty much everything easily, though I wish certain themes were more common in my area.8. Why do you think I missed out the number 8?Looks fine to me <.< >.> <.<9. Am I wasting my time, and does anyone remember me?Yes.

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