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Premier Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Rama~Swarm

  1. I don't have any experience with mocs. I want to build a city bus that is semi realistic. What would help me out are:General tips on how to mocWhat sets will help me get good parts (I think a lot of the city sets with large vehicles might be good)How to figure out dimensions without buying a load of bricks I don't need.Thanks for your patience.
    If you want to do it cheeply look into Lego Digital Designer, then just buy the exact bricks you need off bricklink.
  2. I'd kill for a Ranger Combat armour costume, but no way that'd ever happen.
    You could probably make one without too much difficulty, thoughh it may be a bit expensive if you don't have a job.
  3. Fallout 3/Vegas are easily my two favorite games. I've tried to enjoy F1/2, but I just can't get past the old graphics. Instead I just enjoy reading the plotlines and history from the older gamesThis thread reminds me, I need to finish up my Raider costume before halloween hits..

  4. I've been playing nearly non-stop for weeks since I quit smoking to keep my fingers busy. My current is a level 37 Female Orc. Two-Handed weapons, heavy armor, smithing and dabbling in enchanting and alchemy. I completed the companion quests and last night the Imperial side of the civil war.Up next I'm going to stockpile some potions and take on Alduin. I've got a few characters in mind to play after this one finishes, though I may take a break to play some New Vegas.

  5. I really like the way you made the cottage roof. :)
    Thanks, the roof was probably the toughest part to build since I have a horribly small collection of tan/brown pieces.
    By the way, which set is the red mushroom from? Or is it a custom piece?
    The mushroom and most of the tree comes from the Forbidden Forest set.
    I love the bookshelf!
    I just wish the books would stay put.
  6. I wouldn't be all that excited for myself, but it'd defiantly be good for BZP and I know a couple little boys who ever got the chance to enjoy it.I would like to see either an alternate universe explored. Otherwise I think it'd be cool to see a different great being explored on another world. Without mata nui and all the beings he created. Most of all I would like to see the storyline that was only just slightly more complex than 2001.

  7. I bought a Rahkshi when they first came out. I think it was the white one but I was so disappointed that I never bought another Bionicle set. OFC by that point I was already loosing interest in Bionicle so I was probably biased.

    All the Bohrok Va, last week at a garage sale. $12 isn't much, and I do like Bohrok.
    Nice deal, the Va were the best part of the Bohrok saga IMHO. So cute.
  8. The piece I left on the floor that just happens to end up in my path at 4 am.Otherwise any large molded piece that can pretty much be used only for its intended purpose. I feel like these limit imagination.

  9. Clearly I cannot miss a Nui-Rama thread.Looking at it I see a rough Rahi with potential. The stinger is wonderful and seems very faithful to the old Rahi. It needs a stronger color scheme. Right now I see brown, silver, black, red, gold, yellow, light grey, dark grey and orange. If possible I would suggest dropping it to orange, gold and black with a small amount of grey if you really must.The wings seem rather small and look out of place. I would suggest building a set of wings from actual Rama wings. The HP Quiditch set has them in gold which would probably look better than the normal silver ones. With a little work this could become an amazing Rahi, but it's already a very good MOC.

  10. If Bionicle returns or if BZP manages to draw in a wider lego market then I'm sure it can survive. Otherwise I wouldn't expect it to stick around.Personally I would prefer for BZP to become more of a general Lego website with just a nod to its Bionicle past, but I'm probably in the minority.

  11. I have No Arms And I Must HugIt's cute, but how well is it articulated? The pictures show it in just a single pose and it looks almost like the legs can't actually bend.

    Thanks, maybe he's sad that his color scheme isn't very helpful for being stealthy? :(
    Clearly it's to throw his enemies of his trail.
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