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Everything posted by B.M.800

  1. bzp is fun, i find myself in CoT though... i was going to thry to get a few mocs up but i didnt have very much time this past few weeks

  2. currently converting supersoaker into nerf dart launching monster

  3. umm.. besides the fact that im being nagged by mother... pretty good :P

  4. so, whos your band of the month this month?

  5. i see you wnet to a Michial W. Smith concert, was it good?

  6. were you lookin at the pics of my moc of krekka? the raider is in one of them

  7. indeed i do... ofcourse my profile says i have about 16 of them... but i need to updata that... :)

  8. is that jars of Clay in your personl pic?

  9. i think we have the same hate toward school :P

  10. just a rumor? crud... thats no fun :P

  11. theres a sw battlefront 3?

  12. umm 9? sorry i have got no idea what that is... is it a movie?

  13. 12 was the minimum? wow, i couldnt do that...

  14. 12 pages about cheetahs? i like cheetahs too, but 12 pages? thats amazing

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