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Everything posted by B.M.800

  1. the older crash bandicoot ones, the ones for ps1... however, i do like the newer ones some

  2. Ill be sure to let you know, its about 75% done, maybe :P

  3. can i take a guess and say that you a a big switchfoot fan?

  4. im in algebra 1... again... >.>

  5. im not good at it... well not good at some of it

  6. i dont, unless you call hating math and spanish one...

  7. alright... i heard it lastnight, i knew who it was then but then i forgot :P

  8. ohh... thats no fun :(

  9. doesnt Krystal Meyers have song called Shine?

  10. hello new friend!

    about time huh?


  11. so, hows come we arnt friend yet?


  12. i think im going to try

  13. well stop hurting yourself! :P im sure you could come up with a good moc if you had the time

  14. i would have entered, then i found out the 3long blue friction pins arnt allowd

  15. i would give you a dollar... except your not here :P

  16. well, im sure you could come up with a good moc given you had enough time

  17. that works... just dont tell nobodys :P

  18. oh i see... well i dont really "see" but you know


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