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Posts posted by Oblitus

  1. IC: Eamerzon: Ko-Koro: Eamerzon strolled into the Wall of Prophecy, said hi to a couple of her Matoran friends, and began to work on the data she recieved form the front desk. She carved writing into the icy wall as she hummed to herself. OOC: Open for interaction... again :(

  2. IC: Eamerzon: Ko-Koro: Eamerzon awoke from her cavern. It felt like eons passed by. Most times when she slept were like that. She noticed on her window celling it was around mid-noon and she decided she wanted to get a start on another prophecy. Eamerzon took off her covers, strapped her armor on, slipped her mask on, grabbed her cloak from the rack, coiled her whip, and busted out of the door. OOC: Open fr interaction. (Specifically a male interested in Eamerzon.) http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif

  3. Name: DsilusSpecies: GlatorianGender: MaleAllegiance: Hammers of JudgementPerks: Mask: Mask of Sensory Apitude; Commander

    Vys- Glatorian of Ice. Mask: Akaku.Mitela- Glatorian of Water. Mask: Mask of Healing.Aseol-Glatorian of Fire. Mask: Mask of Intangibility.Typhus- Glatorian of Plantlife. Mask: Kadin.Ordax- Glatorian of Iron. Mask: Mask of Growth.
    Appearance: Muscled, black body with light green highlights across arms, legs, chest, and mask. Mask resembles a skull/greek helm with red lines across his mask. Broad torso<br />Weapons: noneBio: Dsilus was a war machine, killing many Toa. He and his followers were apart of a merc guild and worked for themselves. They were hired for their many victories. Before the bombing, they set up a bunker at Iconox.Weakness: extremely arrogantName: WessonGender: MaleAge: 20,001Species: Perks: Ashlar Masonry, ScavengerAllegiance: Hammers of JudgementAppearance: Matoran of Plasma, orange, yellow and black with an irregularPersonality/Bio: Wesson was in the white quartz mountains during the cold war. He was in a deep mine when the boming happened.<br />Weakness: weak but fast build Name: ArmaliteSpecies:ToaGender: MaleAllegiance: Own FactionPerks: Elemental Power: Plasma; Commander
    Remington-Toa of Earth. Mask: Parkari. Occupation: Second in command and combat specialistSaiga-Toa of Water. Mask: Mask of Rahi Control. Occupation: Rahi relationsGlitch-Toa of Iron. Mask: Faxon. Occupatin: Sword/Black smithSwitch-Toa of Stone. Mask: Kilri. Occupation: InventorPython-Toa of Ice. Mask: Volitak. Occupation: Assasin
    Appearance: Black and purpleWeapons: noneBio: Local militia leader during war. Controlled many soldiers. At the brink of the war, he separated from the militia and brought together a band a fighters as mercs. Lived in a cave near the falls in Tesara. Purposely went unconcious during bombing.Weakness: Overconfidence.
  4. IC: Tiras: Ga-Wahi: Tiras pushed Gunner out of the way, finally getting a chance a joining the crew. "My name is Tiras.." but that was all he could sputter out, but recovered and said, "...and I'm a Toa of Sonics. My specialities would mostly be kiling. Also I am a good infiltrator. But don't count me out for not having enough skills, I'm still a destructive asset." Tiras stated, conent with his words.

  5. IC:Urik(Xephos): Shadowtangle: Urik and his new companion were sitting by a small grove of trees. Urik wanted to get a start on transportation, so he began to chop down the trees with his sword. Hewanted to build a small cart so he could carry more equiptment.

  6. IC: Orssa: Stony Leap: "They don't look friendly.." Orssa murmmered as he prepared for the worse. IC: Xiphos: Stony Leap: Xiphos saw the newcomers, one largely resembling a makuta and a wolf-like toa. He rushed himself to make a spring crossbow, capable of launching projectiles. He materialized a spring, a base, and the crude projectiles. He snapped the base and spring together. The projectiles fit in perfectly. Now he had to just test them out. IC: Urik(Xephos): Shadowtangle: After gutting 3 or 4 ganfas and had a decent meal, Urik got the attention of a Protodermis Burnak. He offered it some Gafna scraps, which it took. The Burnak came closer to him, and began to snuggle with him. Urik now had a new ally.

  7. IC: Tiras: Ga-Koro:Tiras emmited a sonic screech in the air. Only being with advanced hearing could hear it, which would probably break their eardrums. He poured in disgrace as he waited in queue.

  8. IC: Xephos: 30 bios off Shadowtangle: Xephos was thinking to himself, what's going on?This isn't home. He searched around the area for any sentient life. Nothing but a couple of water ganfas. So, he thought, why not use my hunting skills to use?

  9. IC: Tiras: Ga-Koro: "Uhh..sure? I have no idea what a fat sell is but I'm just an applicant for this." Tiras said, confused by the Captain's comment. OOC: @The Fearless Leader: HAHAHAHAH! That was acually funny. I literaly laughed when I saw this post. :P

  10. IC: Tiras: Ga-Koro: Tiras walked across the peaceful aura of the Ga-Matoran. He was disgruntled by the fact these Matoran were here at all, with the attacks from Makuta. He stepped over to a local bar, The Black Spot, and noticed a sign up for possible pirate recruits: Crew Wanted Previous sailing experience helpful but not essential Fighting, stealing, drinking involved Water/Air elemental powers particularly welcome Apply in The Black Spot Inn, Ga-Koro Tiras showed interest in it and walked right in. He rushed into the backdoor, flinging himself on the ground next to Kiox and Lohkar. "Get me in." Tiras gasped as he got himself back up.

  11. OOC: Thanks for clarifiying.:) IC: Orssa: Shadowtangle: "Nostala and I are negotiating- well, she is for the most part. But I think the negotiatetors will go second, with everyone else staying ahead of us, but still a safe distance." Orssa suggested.

  12. IC: Orssa: Shadowtangle: "I was paying attention, for your information! Nostala said we would electrocute the fortress, no have it crumble down. That's what you suggested. Nostala, what do you think" Orssa responded.

  13. IC: Orssa: Shadowtangle: "Yes, but how would we get to the other side of the island? Once that bridge is destroyed, this island will be two islands. I don't want that." Orssa growled as he handled his staff.

  14. dmirror.jpg Prelude: "Takanuva hovered in space for a long moment. He wondered what would happen in Tuyet's universe with her gone. Would the Toa become protectors again? Would the Matoran take control? Or would some group of the Dark Hunters and Makuta become new dictators?" -Takanuva's thoughts after his departure from the Dark Mirror Universe Current Situation: After Takanuva's departure, and the victory of Pohatu's resistance, things finally seemed to settle down for once.....until.The two remaining Makuta on Metru-Nui: Krika and Teridax, who has reclaimed his Kraakhan before the Toa could get it first. He and Krika corrupted many supporters of the Toa and began a rebellion. The Makuta summoned their former minions. Most beings who answered the call seeked power, only to worry of they would be taken over again. Although on the brink of destruction, the Makuta were successful in conquering Metru-Nui. Karzhinni answered tha call by sending his matiran slaves to ta metru for slave labor. Roodaka gave the Makuta highly trained technicians for Xia. Mainly Skakdi and othe various species came to the Makuta as well. With all these newcomers, the Toa were caught off guard.Many Toa were unprepared killed, such as Pohatu. Many Toa vanished during the Makuta's rise to power.This led to two other resistances called Pohatu's Legion and The Peacekeeper Sect. Locations:Metru-Nui was converted into three whole districts. The Coliseum has its own district. Each Metru has its private defence force. There are the: OMDF(Onu-Metru Defence Force), LMDF(Le-Metru Defence Force),PMDF(Po-Metru Defence Force),CDF(Coliseum Defence Force), GMDF(Ga-Metru Defence Force),TMDF(Ta-Metru Defence Force), and the KMDF(Ko-Metru Defence Force). districts.jpg District 1: District 1 is made up of the Ta and Ga Metrus. They are the basis of manafacturing and learning. Most of the Ta-Matoran go to Ga-Metru, to learn how to craft, rather than their original home. Both Metrus live mostly in harmony, although they are plagued by gangs. Ga-Matorans instruct the Ta-Matoran on a daily basis. The Great Furnace was reconstructed into a massive manafacturing line,dubbed the Construis, creating thousands of Rakhshi shells and Exo-Vahki components. The Great Temple was reformed into a sprawling learning hub that monitored the Constuis' manafacture rate. Currently, Construis is facing internal problems from an unknown saboteur. District 2: District 2 is the Onu and Po Metrus. The Po-Matoran work on making new inventions, like new weapons and technology. The Onu-Matoran work on recording the history and gaining new data to further expand their ever growing Archive. Numerous times were punished Matoran were put into slave labor, from dealing with a loose rahi to disarm online exposives in the tunnels. Both Metrus are thriving, although a Onu-Matoran data archive party recently dissapeared int the Sculpture Fields. District 3: District 3 contains the Ko and Le Metrus. Ko-Metru is a hub for ideas and scientific discoveries. The Ko-Matoran work to make new ideologies and theories. They have began to research on prosthetics. Le-Metru is a testbed of sorts. From experimenting on biological weapons to new vehicles, Le-Metru is the place for it. The Le-Matoran work on the testing and transport control. Most items are contracted to here. Recently, a large swarm of Chute Dragons were having a skirmish with the LMDF. Factions: betterfactions.jpg Makutan Caliphate: The Makutan Caliphate is one of the various governments in Metru-Nui. Teridax and Krika founded it after their conquering of the most of the island. It is based in the Coliseum. Their goal is to 'free' the island from the 'flawed ones'. Most of their feared power comes from Ta-Metru, which constructs war machines, give the Makutan Caliphate complete power. Teridax and Krika rule with an iron fist and usually slaughter their citizens because they are arfraid of another faction. If their leaders were to die, the most powerful operative will take the Makuta's place. Due to the fact many labor forces are weakening, war machines have been in high demand and the Caliphate is slowly creating them. If there was a strong enough task force to destroy the Construis, the Makuta would be crippled. Pohatu's Legion: Pohatu's Legion is the second largest government in Metru-Nui. It is mostly based in Ga and Po-Metru. Pohatu's Legion is headed by Turaga Lesovikk. Lesovikk sacrificed his Toa power into six Toa stones, each belonging to a Matoran: Juirve, Toa of Fire; Izikr, Toa of Stone; Hirjya, Toa of Water; Tervik, Toa of Sonics; Lefric, Toa of Air; and Genesis; Toa of Lightning. The faction was named after Pohatu's successful rebeliion agaist Tuyet. Turaga Lesovikk strives to free the people of Metru-Nui. Pohatu's Legion specifies in infiltration and tactics. They have a master navy force that rivals to the Makutan Caliphate's land force. Peacekeeper Sect: The Peacekeeper Sect is a moderate government in Metru-Nui. It is lead by Darkness. Many former Dark Hunters were absorbed into this faction. The name is just a ploy to convert more people to peacefulness, hence the name. Most of Le-Metru follow the Peacekeeping Sect only because they're too naive to notice Darkness' real agenda. The main area of interest would be the Moto Hub, which now creates airships that rival Pohatu's Legion's Navy and the Makutan Caliphate's land force. Neutral: Neutral is the scene of fightung between Pohatu's Legion and the Makutan Caliphate. It can be chosen to be aligned to. NPCs: (Will be added later) Character Creation: Here is an example:

    Name:Gender:Alignment:Powers/Abilities:Species:Weapons: (No over powered weapons; i.e. Kilirex pulled out a bio-decimater, capable of killing a group of living things.)Appearance: (Be descricptive)Personality:Bio:Weakness: (Absolutely necessary.)

    No Masks of Time, Creation, Life, Dimensional Gates, Shadow, Light, or Emulation. Custom masks need to be approved. Peacekeeper Sect: Any kind of species but shadow oreinted beings Makutaria: All BoM associated beings, shadow oreinted beings Pohatu's Legion: Any kind of species but shadow oreinted beings Custom species need to be approved. Rules: 1. Follow all BZRPG and BZP rules2. No goddmoding3. Warnings will be sent if you disobey the rules. You only get three strikes. On the second strike, your character will lose many items. On the last strike, you will be banned from this RPG4. Have Fun! Please rate because I want to see if this will be popular with the RPG community. Thank You
  15. OOC: Skarloth, I was on your side. Not Lord Darkon's. Look back in the archives just if you don't know. IC: Xiphos: Stony Leap: " I was only following what Frag wanted, wherever he is. But if you want peace, so be it." Xiphos countered. IC: Orssa: Shadowtangle: "We could do that if, if, our negtiations go as planned." Orssa said. OOC: Darkon, I'm not sure if you can only do only OOC posts.

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