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Elephant in the Room

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Status Updates posted by Elephant in the Room

  1. Your profile picture disturbs me slightly.

  2. You sig... It's epic.

    Did you make it yourself?

  3. Do you plan on getting an updated Probe avatar when Starcraft 2 is released?

  4. I checked the stats earlier today and I gotta say I agree with you now. For 4 less GP, Detroit is 36 while the Caps are 38. Penguins are on fire too, I swear if I see Detroit and Pittsburgh in the finals again in the next five years I'll ragequit NHL.

  5. Hehe, yeah that was the most memorable part of Godzilla's intro. I recently watched the entirety of the old show, so I decided to put him as my pic.

    I believe I've told you already, but yours is awesome as well. Best monster roar scene. :D

  6. There is no perhaps, citizens of the Skrilaxian Empire must think only in absolutes!

  7. I have both Starcraft and Brood War, I used to play them all the time but now much of my RTS gaming hours are taken up playing Command and Conquer Generals.

    I suppose you're partial to the Protoss? Protoss are good, but the Zerg are always the best!

  8. Is that guy in your avatar The Master?

  9. Lol, I think I'll put Thrice in their one more time instead of taking out the double. Fo sho.

    -100 Awesome points for removing the bands from your interests section so I can't compare, but +999 for putting Ellen Page in their place.

    I'm listening to 36 Crazyfists right now. I haven't heard too much material, but I love a good metal band that's intense but has hooks t

  10. I arrived too late to the "Prototype Bionicle Stars" Party, but after reading through some of that mess, I commend you for providing a voice of actual reason there. Nice job.

  11. All your base are belong to me.

  12. I regret to inform you that the Blackhawks are going down!

    I'm all for the Caps now, even though my team is Ottawa. We all know what happened to the Sens...

  13. Your sig says you have a Bearded Dragon? They're awesome, I have two of them myself.

  14. Mercer can eliminate entire armies by himself, there's just no comparison!

  15. Your association to "The Simpsons" is "pathetic"? Duuuude :o

  16. I did say that I travelled into cyberspace. I also brought back Thomas Edison, who assisted me in creating a top-secret power station.

  17. After reading your newest two posts in the 'Turn it on!' thread... I kinda sorta love you right now.

  18. Nice sig :D Calculating Infinity is a great album.

  19. The American Godzilla oh, I said a leet word - contact a Moderator to take proto from me! the Japanese Godzilla easily.

  20. Agh, the word filter censored my post!

    What I said was basically the American Godilla completely owns the Japanese Godzilla.

  21. They aren't playing very well now true but we're like 20 games into the season there's a looong way to go. We won 11 straight last year and considering Sens have made the playoffs like 14 out of the last 15 years I'm confident we can make a comeback.

  22. You sure can use Vraxan, I'd be honoured if he'd make an appearance in your epic. However, there are a few details I'll need to mention, and I'll probably go over the 400 character limit for comments. Check your inbox. :)

  23. I sense an army of Noghri assassins at my door.

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