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Scotus: Deadly Fury

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Everything posted by Scotus: Deadly Fury

  1. Because I remembered black skies, the lightening all around me. I remember each flash as time began to blur. Like a startling sign that fate had finally found me. And your voice was all I heard that I get what I deserve.
  2. Oh, oh, oh! I know I read that somewhere before...
  3. This coke tastes like medicine
  4. Today, when I was putting my sneaker on I felt something weird on my foot so I took it off and I saw something brown in it. I tried pulling it out but it wouldnt budge. So I asked my mom if she could get it out and she tried then flipped it over and she saw it was a nail She got some plyers and pulled it out. It was like 3 inches long O.O I mustve gotten it while riding my bike. My foot doesnt have a scracth on it though.
  5. I said to grab 2 tissues @Matoro: I always do @Mangai: XD
  6. Lemme guess...Your looking for Lizard Man? @Dark: I can remember you telling me that
  7. Um...Ok.. @Dark: Yeah, I just remembered that I get them too
  8. I popped a blister on my thumb
  9. We went bike riding a few hours ago and we went like 6 miles
  10. [Anakin]LIAR![/Anakin] @Daiker: I get those in my house ;___; @Dark: THERE IS SUCH A THING? O0O
  11. Lastnight when I was painting my pieces, I saw a spider on the wall. So I ran out of my room, grabbed 2 tissues and as I killed it I said 2 words, "Cursed insect!"
  12. XD! I didnt even know "kek" was a real thing
  13. It's 12:12 AM and im still up
  14. Y'know? Those candies that are chocolate balls with chocolate cream in the middle?
  15. It's just the beginning. Me, Metax and Axonn are already Nui's Huh?
  16. jk its sticking to the top of the container
  17. The answer to that is quite obvious actually...It's because I am win
  18. Mata Nui, Metus and Vakama are my top faves...Then there's my MOCs @Daiker: Since I wanted to make a new fad
  19. It's supposed to look goldish. @Daiker: YES!!! It will probably be a new fad B) @Reznas: Thanks!
  20. Then whats wrong with Scotus Nui? Btw, it might become a fad

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