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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. Feasibly, for one instant in the far future, if you timed it EXACTLY right, you could counteract the motion of the Earth, sun, and Milky way it the precise time the universe stops expanding and begins contracting. EDIT:ignore that, I just remembered that modern physicists theorize dark energy is overtaking dark matter at an increasing rate. Big Rip FTW!
  2. Mobius

    First Day Of School

    like, the eleventh. BTW, I finally found a complete recording of TMoLS on the internet. so I'm happy.
  3. Mobius


    Post it if I'm in it. Otherwise it'd be a waste of time.
  4. Mobius


    Spitteh, I didn't know you liked Dream Theater.
  5. Mobius


    OMY ITS SPITTEH also, lucky. I started last Tuesday.
  6. Mobius

    Hewkii's Mask

    And this is why Bonesiii should be a consultant for all physics-related plot devices in the Bionicle universe.
  7. Mobius


    Imma go click that red square again.
  8. Mobius


    speaking of Spyro, whatever happened to him?
  9. Mobius


    Speaking of things, this is one.
  10. Course you do. It's Mobius. :P

  11. Mobius

    And So It Begins

    Again, I ask: Why so Cereal?
  12. Mobius

    And So It Begins

    Batman has a cereal box? Why so Cereal?
  13. Trust me, Squidward is a good clarinet player.
  14. DX, BD and I win for having transparent backgrounds.
  15. Mobius

    And So It Begins

    This is true. This is Sparta. This is Madness. This is a FATALITY.
  16. Mobius

    And So It Begins

    Mobi-Crisps. BAM
  17. Mobius

    And So It Begins

    Anyone have nay ideas for Poor Old Mobi here?
  18. Mobius

    Nerd Jokes

    Statistician one is the best.
  19. Mobius

    Nerd Jokes

    I got them all except the Republic one.
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