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Everything posted by Mobius

  1. the poor headphones. Poor, poor headphones. it was to early, it was not their time to go. I pity thou headphones, and ignore the extreme oddness that you typed that at 11:11 and I'm typing this at 9:46. And MC3 is definently something to cheer about.
  2. nien! iT Is SpAmE! WuNdErBaR!
  3. Mobius


    edge hoggin ain't so bad. I rock at it with Mewtwo. SSBM rocks BTW. _ _ \(>_<)/
  4. couldn't imagine you without light-orange and black.
  5. Guten mo-I wish you could type an umlaut-rgen! of course we don't think that. at least I don't. Then again, the first thing I think about when speaking of the netherlands is Spyker. Maybe I'm unique about that. don't know for sure. And my history teacher has practically told us of every time someone sneezed in that period of time. anyways, tschuss. just as I said that, I realized it was 5:00. guten tag, then.
  6. Mobius


    nien! de deutsch ist wunderbar! I knew that......
  7. omi, you creepy. not really but, yeah.
  8. and in oklahoma, it is in the mid nineties.
  9. Mobius


    sickness is never fun. ever. it's not even mildly fun. it's so incredibly bad adjectives do not describe. hope ya get better.
  10. yerpee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KJH!)!1 horaa for spAmE!11!o131294u1948ujtrcnkgqnr
  11. Mobius

    Nemo Stuff

    you know [2] and [3] are the same banner, right? please say right. Please.
  12. the same way tubby custard is made by that giant beeping thing. Whoa! I can edit other people's comments in my Blog! Cool! You're cool, Mobius! thank you, CD. I know I am.
  13. so your sportday is.... softball? man, I feel for you. I'd tell you when i got out of school, but I don't want to make you feel bad.
  14. that is so sad i can't even comment how pathetically stupid old action movies like that are. seriously.
  15. Mobius


    *read sig* great game.
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