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Blog Comments posted by Mobius

  1. "In Soviet Russia, Stink High School Musicals!!!"


    for every worthless flame post in that topic, there are two worthless "i agwee" posts. It's nice that those who don't like it have an opinion, it's not nice that those who started the topic try to make them dissappear.


    This is a crazy idea, but maybe they were right! Maybe it is a terrible Disney movie! Every Disney Original since the turn of the century has been an excuse to explain why girls are better than boys. Guess what? YOU FAIL, DISNEY.


    ...That one dirt bike movie even promoted crossdressing!

  2. Exo, I'd like to mention that this breaches contract point 3b of section 14c. as such, I've written a complaint.


    Treacherous. Libidinous. Acrimonious. In case you can't tell, I'm making a direct reference to Sir Exo M7 V. In the rest of this letter, I will use history and science (in the Hegelian sense) to prove that Sir M7 is incapable of rational thought about the real world.


    Now, I don't want to overwork the story about how Sir M7 plans to bombard us with an endless array of hate literature, so let's just say that I feel that writing this letter is like celestial navigation. Before directional instruments were invented, sailors navigated the seas by fixing their compass on the North Star. But Sir M7 doesn't want us to know about his plans to preach hatred. Otherwise, we might do something about that. If I weren't so forgiving, I'd have to say that his ebullitions symbolize lawlessness, violence, and misguided rebellion -- extreme liberty for a few, even if the rest of us lose more than a little freedom. Sir M7's animadversions are amalgams of popular themes among crotchety primates, dour drug addicts, and oligophrenic, vapid slaves to fashion, so to speak. Sir M7 commonly appoints ineffective people to important positions. He then ensures that these people stay in those positions because that makes it easy for Sir M7 to persecute the innocent and let the guilty go unpunished.


    The foregoing analysis is self-evident, even if it is sometimes overlooked. Less evident are the specific ways in which we should overcome the obstacles that people like Sir M7 establish. Having already explained that his shenanigans are simply counterproductive to society, let me now state that I want nothing more -- or less -- than to shed the light of truth on the evil that is Sir M7. To that task I have consecrated my life, and I invite you to do likewise.


    You don't have to say anything specifically about Sir M7 for him to start attacking you. All you have to do is dare to imply that we should convince the government to clamp down hard on his apothegms. Because the foundation of Dadaism is terribly flawed, anything based on it will also be terribly flawed. That explains why Sir M7's principles are so snarky. In fact, not only are they snarky but they fail to take into consideration the way that those of us who are still sane, those of us who still have a firm grip on reality, those of us who still assert that perennial crybabies like Sir M7 wouldn't fare well without a legal skirt to hide under, have an obligation to do more than just observe what Sir M7 is doing from a safe distance. We have an obligation to fight the good fight. We have an obligation to help people see his effrontive, fickle prank phone calls for what they are. And we have an obligation to stop the Huns at the gate.


    Now, lest you jump to the conclusion that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength, I assure you that I've heard of apolaustic things like pharisaism and barbarism. But I've also heard of things like nonviolence, higher moralities, and treating all beings as ends in and of themselves -- ideas which his ignorant, unthinking, snippy brain is too small to understand. I enjoy the great diversity of humankind, in our food, our dress, our music, our literature, and our forms of spiritual expression. What I don't enjoy are Sir M7's jealous, lackluster ideologies which create a mass psychology of fear about an imminent terrorist threat. Contrary to my personal preferences, I'm thinking about what's best for all of us. My conclusion is that what's best for all of us is for me to ratchet up our level of understanding. Let's keep our fingers crossed that Sir M7 doesn't deny citizens the ability to become informed about the destruction that he is capable of. Let's get reasonable; his ventures have an unsavory historical track record. And that's why I'm writing this letter; this is my manifesto, if you will, on how to speak up and speak out against him. There's no way I can do that alone, and there's no way I can do it without first stating that if we don't soon tell him to stop what he's doing, he will proceed with his disloyal ideas, considerably emboldened by our lack of resistance. We will have tacitly given him our permission to do so.


    I will never give up. I will never stop trying. And I will use every avenue possible to demand a thoughtful analysis and resolution of our problems with Sir M7. I have just one word for him: anthropomorphization. I won't pull any punches here: He has convinced a lot of people that he can walk on water. One must pause in admiration at this triumph of media manipulation. (The merits of Sir M7's politics won't be discussed here, because they lack merit.)


    If Sir M7 wants to have a serious destabilizing effect on our institutions, fine. Just don't make me sink into a miasma of doubt and alienation while he's at it. What he is incapable of seeing is that I've tried explaining to his henchmen that my concern is with morality itself, not with the teleological foundations upon which it rests. Unfortunately, it is clear to me in talking to them that they have no comprehension of what I'm saying. I might as well be talking to creatures from Mars. In fact, I'd bet Martians would be more likely to discern that if Sir M7 feels ridiculed by all the attention my letters are bringing him, then that's just too darn bad. His arrogance has brought this upon himself. He had promised us liberty, equality, and fraternity. Instead, Sir M7 gave us factionalism, nihilism, and Lysenkoism. I suppose we should have seen that coming, especially since Sir M7 should think about how his slogans lead contumelious scoundrels to alter laws, language, and customs in the service of regulating social relations. If Sir M7 doesn't want to think that hard, perhaps he should just keep quiet. Telling the truth is too much trouble for misinformed, spineless mouthpieces for featherbrained exclusionism bent on getting their way. And that's why I say to you: Have courage. Be honest. And bring Sir Exo M7 V to justice. That's the patriotic thing to do, and that's the right thing to do.


    google FTW



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