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Watashi Wa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Watashi Wa

  1. Watashi Wa
    Please, can't it stay like this for the rest of the year? It got up to about 65 degree today. Lovely day. Sadly, a cold front is about to come through. <<
    So my brother is spending the week in the hospital. He was having a hard time breathing while stretching before basketball practice, so he was rushed to PriMed. They didn't find anything, so they sent him to the hospital. They found out that 15% of his lungs have collapsed. He's ok now, but it's rather odd that it would happen to him.
    Chem test was pushed to tomorrow. Teacher got stuck in traffic this morning and he had the tests with him. Thank God. I can study a little bit more, now.
  2. Watashi Wa
    So the midterm ended last week, and teachers are starting to get their grades ready to be turned in to be sent out to all the parents who eagerly await to see how their child is progressing in school. Normally, my parents would just take a quick glance over mind and expect to see all "As", but it's changed this time around.
    Although, it is partially my fault. I mean, if I had just taken the time to write down a few more notes in Chemistry class, I wouldn't have gotten a 10 on the quiz grade he gave us when he took up those notes I was supposed to be writting. In return, my average quiz grade wouldn't have been so low for this midterm (4.5 weeks), which in return wouldn't have brought my test average down so low. You see, he counts my quiz average (all quiz grades added together divided by the number of quizzes) as a test grade. So, because I got so low of a quiz grade, I in return got a low test grade, which brought the test agerave considerably down. In the end, I currently have a 66 D in Chemistry, but that should be way higher by the end of the Quarter (9 weeks of school). I just gotta ace this test on Boyle's Law, Gay-Lussac's Law, etc. tomorrow and all upcoming quizzes, and do all my homework.
    I should have a nice check the next time I get paid. I worked last Wednesday, last Friday and Saturday, this past Monday, and I'm working again tomorrow. I should have a total of about 20 hours, give or take a few. I'm looking forward to that, especially since my previous check was not worth much.
    But anywho, off to study for my tests tomorrow.
  3. Watashi Wa
    ...is about the coolest show on television right now. Big swords, wicked fight scenes, and an excellent storyline. Doesn't get much better than that.
    In other news, Elebits for the Nintendo Wii is actually a pretty fun game. It's strangly addicting and the controls are very smooth. I'd buy it if it were any deeper, but alas, GameFly is just the way to go for this game.
    And I had to work today. It was pretty slow up until 8:59pm. And we close at 9:00pm, people. When you see the manager walking to the door to lock them, please don't just keep on walking in and say somethign along the lines of "oh, just made it." No, because you see, we -close- at 9. You should be on your way out of the door at 9. Do not stay around and look at the entire store and only end up buying 5 pencils. Do not get mad at me for not being able to find a CD in our computers. Everything shuts down at 9. If you got a problem, go somewhere else. I don't need your $1.36 for those stinkin' pencils.
    So yeah, work was lovely.
  4. Watashi Wa
    So I'm sure any of you who read my blog know that I had off school today. I woke up around 10:45 or so, and got a call from a good friend asking if I wanted to go to his house to play some games. I couldn't refuse, so I brought along my Xbox360 Harddrive, a controler, and a few games. I must say, it felt great to be able to play some games again. I hooked my HardDrive onto his 360 so we were able to play Gears of War on XboxLive. I am now re-addicted to that game, and I can't even play it at my house. Oh, the horror.
    But around 4 or so, got hungry, so I drove us to a Chinese buffet, and we got To-Go boxes and stuffed them full of General Chao's and sesame chicken, some hot wings, and that awesome rice. Man, was that the best late lunch/early dinner I've had in a while. I haven't eaten since then, so needless to say I'm a little hungry...
    Anywho, gonna work tomorrow from 12 - 4pm. I don't have anything else to do after that.
    I hope all you kids enjoyed your day at school!
  5. Watashi Wa
    Yes, you do.
    And you will bid on them.
    So my 360 won't play any games now. I guess I'll have to send it to Microsoft for them to repair.
  6. Watashi Wa
    So this entry title serves two purposes:
    First, it's been rather cold lately. About two weeks ago it got into the 70s. And to make things worse, my school has to be the lamewads that only allows the students to wear "official uniform jackets" even when it's bitter cold outside. Plus, those jackets cost a fortune, and are the ugliest things I've ever seen. The uniforms in general are pieces of junk, but that's a whole new topic.
    Second, so I bought this lovely new game called Lost Planet. Great game, it really is; except for when it likes to freeze up your Xbox360. This is -very- peculiar because I made it all the way to the 10th misson (next to last one, mind you) and it just decides to freeze now. I exchanged the game today in hopes that it might just be a faulty disc, but no, the new disc is still freezing as well. The whole screen freezes; I can't even pull up the XboxGuide. So I resorted to the worst means possible and deleted the game file off of my HardDrive. I took off the HardDrive, and I was able to play through the whole tutorial perfectly fine, which lasts about 4 minutes or so. Now I don't know whether to wait for a possible update from Capcom to fix the issue, or to send my 360 to Microsoft for repairs (which would be the 2nd time I'd have to send a console back to them. They'd probably just send me a whole new 360.) but I'd rather not because I would have to pay for shipping. And it only freezes on Lost Planet. I played Tony Hawk's for atleast 2-3 hours yesterday without any problems.
    So, I'm rather frustrated lately. I'm probably going to e-mail Capcom and let them know that their great game is messing up our great 360s.
    But here's to warmer weather!
  7. Watashi Wa
    "George Romero Will Be At Our Wedding"
    I was looking for you when I first heard the sirens
    The ambulances filled the streets
    The masses screamed and called for help
    You were no where next to me
    The soldiers came to round up the living
    And take them away to somewhere that’s safe
    But if I cant find you there’s no place to save me
    If you are gone then its too late
    Night turns to dawn, and dawn into day
    And the land overflows with the dead
    Where did I last hold you in my arms?
    What was the last thing that you said?
    Some hide underground, others hide in a mall
    I still drag myself through the streets
    I life without love my love isn’t a life to me
    I don’t believe that love can rot away
    So first aim for the heart, then aim for the head
    I wept bitterly and then I threw up
    Something silver washed up in my lap
    This metal thing, your wedding ring
    Brought all of the memories back
    I remember the bite, and breaking my teeth
    I remember choking it down
    Eating your fingers one at a time
    I left most of you there on the ground
    And it’s there that I find you, just as you were left
    Writhing you rise to your feet
    You come back to my side with very few insides
    They’re still strewn about on the street
    I have heard it said that love endures all things
    And now I know that its true
    Stronger than the grave, death cant put it out
    Here I am, the walking dead, still next to you
    I don’t believe that love can rot away
    So first aim for the heart then aim for the head
    If true love last forever, then love doesn’t die
    It just becomes the living dead
  8. Watashi Wa
    Guitar Hero is one of the greatest video games I have ever played. It's amazingly fun rocking out to those classic rock songs, such as Sweet Child O Mine, by none other than Guns N Roses. There are plenty of other songs to shred to, including Trogdor, as made famous by Strongbad. I would have bought this game a long time ago if I had a PS2, but luckily, they are making one for the Xbox360 which I believe is being released in March. That will own, especially since Xbox Live opens up the opportunity for more downloadable songs and whatnot.
    So I had a mini-LAN party with a good friend of mine today. I brought my Wii and 360 to his house, had a blast. He loved the Wii, and playing "Horse" on Tony Hawks Project 8 (360) is almost just as fun.
    And now, to finish memorizing Atticus Finch's speech in the courtroom from To Kill a Mockingbird. Hopefully I won't be the first person to present a monologue, but I won't find out until the class tomorrow.
  9. Watashi Wa
    Inside joke. No school Monday, whoo.
    Monologue due Tuesday, boo.
    So we finished and published our first school news paper. I must say, I was mighty proud for only having 3 days to work on it. It needs a little more "mmph" to it, but it's still nice. This yearbook/journalism class is more fun than I thought it would be.
    Underoath & Taking Back Sunday concert in Birmingham on Feb. 25th. I'm so there.
  10. Watashi Wa
    So tomorrow is my first test of 2007. The test is on American Lit, so it should be fairly easy to memorize all of the authors and such...I just wish they didn't throw in artists too. Hopefully I'll do exceptionally well on this test, because I pretty much bombed the first quiz (but it was a pop-quiz, so it's not my fault ).
    But anywho, Lost Planet comes out on Friday!! I'm probably more excited about this game than I was for GoW. I didn't know how good GoW was until I bought it, but I actually played a Lost Planet demo, so I know what to expect. It got a good review from a fairly big website, so hopefully it will live up to the hype. Capcom had better fixed that tiny text or I'ma be supa mad!!
    Oh, and went and saw Thr3e this weekend with a group of friends. I read the book awhile ago, so I knew the plot and the ending, but the movie was actually pretty good. The movie followed the book very well, so that made it better. And they did a better job at showing the ending than I thought they were going to. You guys definately have to see the movie or read the book. It's a great story either way. I only wish the movie was a bit more scary/suspensful.
    And then I saw a trailer for House another great book co-written by the guy that wrote Thr3e and by Frank Peretti. The whole book is generally very twisted and freaky, I can only imagine that the movie is going to be just as weird. It's coming out in October, so we have a few months to wait. You guys should definately check out the book.
    I'm trying to find some videos to put on my Zune. I'd love to have some Samurai Champloo, Bleach, or Full Metal Alchemist episodes to go on there for whenever I go on trips. Those are a few of my favorite shows.
  11. Watashi Wa
    So it was pretty much the coldest it's been all school year the -first- day we get back from Christmas break. Odd, because a few days before Christmas, I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
    And don't you just love it when you're in school on a Federal holiday, and when none of the other school in your town will be open for another 2 days or so?
    I'm ready for '08.
  12. Watashi Wa
    So I finally got an MP3 player. Due to certain circumstances, the finances were lacking around the 25th of December at my house, so not until today was I able to pick up my main Christmas present. Of course, I had to chip in a little moola ($100..)to get this gift, but let me tell you, it was worth it.
    I picked up a brown Microsoft Zune and my initial reaction is that it is completely awesome. 3" screen makes quite a difference when you are watching videos, and the interface is way nicer than the iPod. The "clickwheel" is nice, but after a while it got a bit annoying to me, and this new thing on the Zune is much better to me.
    I'm just waiting to upload my CDs and purchase some new CDs/songs on Zune Marketplace.
    If you are ready to pick up an MP3 player and can't decide between an iPod or something else, I'd suggest a Zune. It's more stylish, has a bigger screen, and is just better than others in general.
    I'm ready to show it off.
  13. Watashi Wa
    We basically had our Christmas on Christmas Eve, because my sister and her husband came over and we all had our big Christmas meal that evening. I brought up my Wii and hooked it up to our 52" TV and my brother-in-law brought over his 2 controlers, so we had a big Wii Sports party. It was all fun. My step dad really got into the golf, of course. I was having a great time, until I got asked to come into work...
    I worked Friday and Saturday, so I was looking forward to having Sunday off. Good thing I got to sleep in late®, because if I hadn't, I would not have gone in to work. Manager asked me to work from about 3:30-6:00, because there were only 2 girls working, and the manager was worried about them. Maybe I'll get paid extra, I dunno. It wasn't so bad, because the family didn't start eating until I got home.
    Didn't do much on Christmas day, because we opened all of our presents on Christmas Eve, but I did go see Deja Vu with my sister. We wanted to go see Night at the Museum with my sisters friend and her family, but they sold out right as we got there. It's a good thing too, because my sisters friend later told us that the movie stunk, but Deja Vu was actually a -very- good movie. You guys should definately check it out sometime.
    But now, I'm at my dad's house, with nothing to do. I played Zelda basically non-stop, except for going out to eat. I'd say I'm about 2/3s done, so I don't want to rush beating the game. I now have nothing to do until Saturday, when I go back to work. I am going shopping with my two younger sisters today, but I don't expect to find any good deals on anything. I'm mostly just driving for them.
    I was able to find a good deal on a few good video games on the day after Christmas at Target. I bought Tony Hawk's Project 8 for only $40, which is $20 off the normal price. I would have gotten NFS:Carbon, too, but I didn't have enough money. I wanted P8 more...
    Anywho, hope you all had a good Christmas. Mine was enjoyable. Totally not looking forward to going back to school on Tuesday, but atleast a good movie is going out that Friday, so I'll have something to look forward too.
  14. Watashi Wa
    I love movies. Especially the action-y kind. So a few new trailers have been released for movies that should be entertaining for me in 2007.
    The first one would be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trailer. Now, I was never really into the whole TMNT thing, but I absolutely loved the Lost in Time (or whatever the title was) game for the SNES. I always had to be the purple one with the staff. But yeah, the trailer gave us a nice peek at what seems to be a good movie: some nice action, with a little bit of humor, as expected from a group of 4 teenagers, right? I'm not quite following where they tried to go with the story, but I'll have to wait until it comes out to really get a hold of that. It comes out on March 23, 2007, which was sooner than I expected.
    Next, we have the Transformers trailer. I was never into Transformers either, I don't think I ever even played with the toys or saw any of the movies. However, now that I've gotten older, the whole "robot/mech" thing has interested me more, so this movie should be entertaining as well. The CGI looks amazing, and the action looks to be just as cool. Can't wait until July 4th, 2007, to see this one.
    The last one is one I'm sure nearly none of you have heard about. I wouldn't know about it either unless I had read the book. Thr3e (that's the actual title of the book/movie, no leet intended ) should be the thriller of the year. I already know what happens, I'm just waiting to see how they play it out in the movie. The book has got to be one of my favorites of all time because of the many plot twists and surpirses. Definately the biggest surprise ending I've ever seen. Of course, it wasn't really a surprise, because they somewhat hint at it in the book before it actually happens...oh, I've said too much. You'll just have to wait until January 5th, 2007, to see this movie. If they mess this movie up, I'ma be supamad. You guys should read the book too. Amazing, simply put.
    Of course, Spider-Man 3 comes out in May of next year. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys how awesome that is going to be.
    So work was crazy busy today. But go figure, three days before the Big Day. I don't even want to imagine what tomorrow will be like. So glad I only have to work from 11AM-5PM.
    And then Relient K is coming out with a new album on March 6! I absolutely love that band. <3
  15. Watashi Wa
    Junior High called. They want their drama back.
    It's just a contest, folks.
    On a completely unrelated note:
    I'm almost at 10,000 gamerpoints, as you can see to the left hand side of my blog. I'm pretty proud of the accomplishmen; it's taken a while, but with more and more good Xbox360 games being released, it shouldn't be too long before I reach 20,000 points.
    Bungie released a short video documentary about Brutes, and how they are changing the characters to best fit into Halo 3. We were able to see some nice actual gameplay footage, and it looks rather fun. I can't wait for the public Halo 3 beta testing, much less the actual release. Oh, and for another random fact, I played (more like just read the lines) Julius Caesar for my 10th Grade reading of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. It was fun while it lasted, and thus, I know where that quote in my blog title came from, and it gave me a chuckle to see it as the title for Bungie's video documentary on Brutes.
  16. Watashi Wa
    Ok, so I went into this movie thinking that it was going to be the best movie I've seen all year. Boy, could I have been any more wrong...
    First, what was up with the length? An hour and thirty-nine minutes. Yeah, you want to keep it short to keep everyone's attention, but the thing is, film-makers shouldn't have to keep a movie short to keep everyone's attention. The movie alone should keep everyone's attention. And I can say that if the movie were done right, it would have kept everyone's attention for up to two and a half hours, if not more, which is abotu how long it should have been to get all of the details in.
    Oh, the details. I was going through the whole movie talking (err...whispering ) to my friend asking him how much different things happened in the book than in the movie. For one, I'm almost positive that the Ra'zoc burned down Eragon's uncle's house, not Brom . Correct me if I'm wrong. That's the only detail change that I'll mention to keep the spoilers on a minimum. I will say that alot of things are left out, though, such as certain Twins, a werecat, and a very big crystal.
    Ungh, and the final battle. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe battle was better than this battle, for crying out loud, and Eragon has freaking dragons in it.
    Another thing that amazed me was the amount of little children I saw in the theatre. I know it wasn't my decision, but I would not let hardly any of those kids in there. There was definately a lot of darkness that was sure to scare kids (such as Durza and the Ra'zoc [arg, I forget how to spell that name...]). Maybe it was because this was supposed to be a "kids" film? Gimme a break. I know that -none- of those kids read the book, so how in the world could they understand the plot? I'm not saying that everyone has to read the book to get the plot, I just don't see how kids could comprehend what was going on anyway, so why try to make it seem like a kid movie? I believe that if they would have geared it towards an older audience, it would have been much better.
    1) Too short, 2) missing characters, deatails, 3) changed a lot of details (or maybe I read a different book...)
    The movie had huge potential, and it fell flat on its back. Yes, there were some very cool parts (the growth of Saphira, the magic, and Durza's appearance), but my, how they could have done much better.
    Or maybe they are just setting it up for a bigger plot to come in the second, and eventually, the third movie? I don't know. After seeing this movie, I personally hope they get a new director and whatnot, because I doubt the second movie will live up to expectations as well.
    But holy cow, I saw a preview for the single most hilarious film ever. Epic Movie.is.going.to.rock. You guys have to see the trailer.
  17. Watashi Wa
    So I found out that I'm exempt from all of my exams except for one. I'm not too worried about taking it, though, it's only English. The only thing I'm worried about is not getting enough time to finish the composition after the actual test. But I managed to pull out an essay (including outline, rough draft, and editing the rough draft) in about 30 minutes or so today. But once I'm done with this exam...
    School's out for the year!!
    A lot of people I know aren't getting out until -next- week, just a few days before Christmas, and are going back to school around the same time I'm going back. Hopefully this two and a half week break will do me some good; I don't think I could take any more school for the rest of the year.
    I'm looking forward to next year. A lot of good games coming out for the 360 and Wii, a bunch of good movies, looking forward to Spring Break (beach camp owwnsss), and of course, in the fall of next year, I'll be a Senior in High School. So yeah, next year sould be swell.
  18. Watashi Wa
    Well, my oldest sister has finally graduated from nursing school. The end of the road was a little rough, but she made it out just fine. Two members of the extended family came down from New Jersey yesterday to attended the pinning ceremony and the official graduation today, so it was nice to see them. I didn't have to go to school today, so I missed 2 test (history and English) that I'll have to make up on Monday. The teachers were supposed to have all of the grades down by today at 3PM, but oh well. They'll have to wait to get my grades done. If I do well on the English test, I should be exempt from the exam. I know I'll be exempt from history.
    Anywho, the internet connection at my house has been real wack lately. It mostly likes to boot me from everything I'm doing (AIM, or Xbox Live) for about a second, and then start up again. It's been happening for about 3 months or so now, but it got really bad the past few days. Hopefully we can fix this problem before the winter vacation, so I can actually play a full game of Gears of War on XboxLive.
    Tomorrow is going ot be a tiring day. I have to wake up around 7 to get ready to take the ACT at 8. That will last a few hours. And then, I have to work from 3:30 to 9:30PM. I'd rather not, especially after waking up so early on a Saturday, but atleast I'm getting paid well.
    And it's been very cold around here lately. I don't think it got about 45 today. Been really windy, too. Not very fun, either.
  19. Watashi Wa
    Just hit me that we only have 30 more days left in the year 2006. I don't know about you, but this year has been a great year. Next year should be even better, because I'll be a senior next year! But not to get ahead of myself...
    Ungh, Christmas vacation starts in about two weeks, and we all know what that means. Exams. Normally, I'd be exempt from all of my exams, but as we have a not-so-good teacher for Algebra 2 and Chemistry, I don't know if I'll be exempt or not. Of course, the only thing that qualifies for exemption is an A average both semesters, so even if I don't get exempt, I should end up with an A average if I do well on the exams. I'm mostly worried about English though. I had a 73 test grade or so the beginning of this 9 weeks, and it brought my grade down to a 86 for the midterm. I did well on the few tests we had since then, so I'm hoping that it brought me up to an A. I do -not- want to take that exam.
    School christmas play was last night. I ran the sound board, again. All went well, except for the fact that I cut the 1/2 grade chorus off during the middle of a song. Oh, and the fact that the music teacher gave me a cassette to play. And the tape player the church had was so weird. I'd play side a for, let's say, 5:43, and if I'd flip the tape to side B, and started playing from the very beginning, the time would start at 5:43, and not reset back to 0:00 like it should. So, needless to say, 10 minutes before the play started, I was pretty much panicing. B) But it all turned out good in the end.
    All I plan on doing this weekend is playing Legend of Zelda, and hopefully Gears of War, if I'm allowed to buy it.
    Anywho, back to more Twilight Princess.
    currently listening to:
    Mr. Brightside ~ The Killers
  20. Watashi Wa
    K, so I got a Wii early Sunday morning, and am I glad I did.
    First off, the console is just plain fun. Wii Sports comes packaged with the console, and right after I set up the Wii I was swinging away in Tennis. My favorite game is definately the Boxing one. Bowling was pretty fun as well. I was also able to score the Legend of Zelda yesterday. Lordy, that game is pure ownage. The graphics aren't even that bad, really. Now, they aren't anywhere near like what a 360 or a PS3 can do, but for such a small console, the Wii packs a punch. Everything is nice and smooth.
    So yeah, if you have been thinking about getting one, go ahead and get one ASAP. It's not hard getting used to the remote, and its fun to have a different style of doing things in video games. Heck, go to a local EBGames/Gamestop and demo a Wii. I'm telling you, it's awesome.
    And its soo small!
  21. Watashi Wa
    Auburn won the Iron Bowl (fifth year in a row, btw). Ohio State won the biggest game of the year.
    I so called them both. Boy, are they gonna hear it at school...
  22. Watashi Wa
    Torhu, Kohaku and Toaraga all got to get their hands on a Wii demo, and finally, I did too...
    I played Excite Truck. Still can't believe how small the wii-mote is. I knew it would be small, but not that small. Maybe I just have big hands...Anywho, yeah, ExciteTruck wasn't as exciting as it could be. It'd make a pretty fun online game, or party game, of course. I wouldn't honestly pay more than $45 for it. The controls worked pretty well. I want to go back and play some more.
    So supposedly all of the local Wal*Marts around here are getting 53 Wiis. Obviously, I -will- be at Wal*Mart Saturday night at around 11pm or so to wait in line/get a Wii. I can't wait.
    I don't even know if I have enough money to get a game...
  23. Watashi Wa
    Yes, this week is officially being called "THE Week" by me because it is the week that both the Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii are going to be released. I myself don't plan on bying a PS3 anytime soon, but my local Wal-Mart had a display up, and I must say it was -very- shiney. They didn't have a Wii demo, just the little banner above the section where the games will be. I do hope to be visiting a few Gamestops in town this week to see if they have any kiosks up. I've been reading more and more reports of demo kiosk experiences, so hopefully my store will have one.
    I've been working quite a bit more frequently now, so that's good. I'm going in tonight for a meeting of somesort. Atleast we are getting fed.
    And I have to do some sort of "informative" speech for school this week. Anyone have any good ideas?
    Oh, and my brother is turning 17 this week, so he'll be able to buy us M rated games.
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