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Blog Entries posted by <daydreamer>

  1. <daydreamer>
    So, hi. Wow. I will admit that I thought the place was razed to the ground years back, and became nothing more than a childhood memory.
    I was still technically a youth when I was last here. I was a child when I first joined this place - a very vivid memory of me asking my mother for permission to join the Internet in a world of Bionicle that I learned from a Flash game of Takua.
    To add to the feels of polishing off cobwebs, a lot of my old content was gone. I found a message in my Inbox asking for my second Epic, Changing Worlds. All those documents are gone, I'm afraid. I'd honestly be surprised if any data from 2005 made it to my laptop 13 years later.
    Lots have changed for me, once I left BZPower and the server move. I got a degree. I got a job. I moved countries for said degree and job, and had to leave it and return to my homeland. Taxes became a thing. Earning a living. The skill of the pen left me as well, when the demand of a day-to-day job overtook languid breaks between essays and projects... and World of Warcraft and Starcraft and Diablo, et cetera.
    And the 'death' of Bionicle. I honestly could not keep up when Mata Nui went from godhood to mortal life. He was the last figurine I got, and that was as a gift to an autistic boy who shared a similar passion. That was in 2010, I think? When the news from LEGO came out, I merely thought that all good things would come to an end.
    Fast track to today. Just two days ago, I had to dig out old certificates for an interview. I dug out my old backups to hunt down one missing cert, and came across my old FictionWrites. One of them was for Bionicle. And no, it was not everything. I eventually started saving my Epic writings in 2003-4 by copying what I raved into a text field onto Notepad. That did not come through. My short stories were lost too. I only found two stories, both in-progress and will probably be buried. They are fond memories to me, and it would be wrong to go back in and whack at it aimlessly.
    I honestly don't know if I will pop round much anymore, but it is great to see old friends and usernames still active here in BZP. Maybe I will? I'm not sure how the rules have changed - or if the rules have changed - but... Yeah. Good to see BZPower alive and well.
  2. <daydreamer>
    My first Twinkie. Ever.
    First few seconds of that first bite: Ooo, cake!!!
    The next few seconds: TOO SWEET! DX
    And I finished it.
  3. <daydreamer>
    My 5 year old MacBook Pro died on me in class - worst time to lose your files.
    After getting a hard disk dock, torx and Phillips screwdrivers and spudger on speed delivery, I disassembled the MBP, got my HDD out, and cloned the disk to a new external hard disk.
    I put the MBP back together successfully (mumbling to myself on what a fine job I did), brought it to the Apple Store and they took it away without much of a glance-over to check if anything looked fishy.
    And now I got the gear to do data recovery services for people!
    Yeah, just an update. And how am I typing to you like this? I had a second MBP lying around, duh.
    Happy Halloween!
  4. <daydreamer>
    Guess who's back in Boston?
    The flights I took to get here were crazy! Screaming babies, jutting elbows, and that neckache from sleeping without reclining (I don't like to squish others behind me, if I can help it) is hurting a little bit. However, and most surprisingly, where's the jet lag?
  5. <daydreamer>
    Well, that's one way, out of many many ways, to fix a nosebleed.
    I was a chronic nose-bleeder when I was young. It's the kind that leaks all the way down and doesn't go away until half an hour later, with treatment of course.
    My grandmother firmly follows the method of letting the bleeding one lie down, with a ice-cold wet towel placed on the forehead as treatment. I remember the feeling of something going down the back of my throat during this lie-down, and I hated that feeling. It was very uncomfortable, having to swallow whatever it was down to get rid of the feeling.
    Then came a new one I learned from Bill Nye The Science Guy - twisting tissue paper up your nostril and pinching the bridge of your nose. I tried that, much to my grandma's chagrin, and when that didn't work in 15 minutes she laid me down again on the couch and got out the towel and ice.
    Then, the school principal suggested this: Bend over a sheet of newspaper and let it drip all out. I tried that. I felt so weird after 10 minutes of bending over I went for the ice towel without a second thought.
    Then came the ultimate cure - cauterization. My mum got fed up. She sent me to the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) specialist and he recommended it. I went for the surgery, with electricity applied to 'broken nerves because I was picking my nose too much', and that did the trick. For many years.
    Until not too long ago. It bled again while I was in college. There was no ice and towel, so I consented to the tissue-up-my-nose method. My boyfriend, also another chronic nose-bleeder, suggested I put in less tissue and press down lightly on the fleshy part. That... worked! Kinda. It still took 15 minutes, but it worked. The cauterization did help make the bleeding much less than it was when I was younger.
    Now, hilariously, it's bleeding. I've got a partly-damp tissue up my nose and gave it a press. I'll see how long this goes, but I'm OK!
  6. <daydreamer>
    A while back, I blogged about my late grandmother's passing. Sympathies all around.
    Now share with me the rage!
    My mum finally broke it to us - my grandmother died of complications from the speech therapist. She insisted that it'd be fine that my grandmother spoke, her head tilted backwards. Well, water rushed into her lungs due to that treatment and led to a high fever. In fear of her fever my mum starved my grandmother, complications arose and then she died. Of that. Not of her cancer. She died drowning and starving. She could've lived longer.
    That made my blood boil so bad.
  7. <daydreamer>
    Nasty facts about dental surgery:
    1) I now face a 2% risk of permanent (possibly partial) numbness to the right side of my lip and jaw if I go through this.
    2) I also face a 0.1% risk of permanent (most likely partial) numbness to the right side of my tongue if I go through this.
    3) The dental surgeon realized that I'm one of those kids who hasn't done any major dental surgery before. He suggests sedation.
    4) And I don't mind the idea. It's 1 needle on my hand versus 4 needles in my mouth.
    5) And conking out sounds like a good idea amid heavy-duty drilling, vibrations, and achey-mouth for opening it for 45 minutes...
    And I'm still going for it! XD
  8. <daydreamer>
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «He's King Varian Wrynn from World of Warcraft! In Toa form! 
    Is it OK if you find characters with the same name, but in different realities/fandoms/worlds?
    I personally think it's fine. Even the music industry finds it OK - google for a song called 'Call Me', or 'Heaven', or really generic titles. You'll find TONS. The industry says that, if you want to argue about copyright, it's that the idea of the song - melody, lyrics, arrangement - are the parts covered under copyright. The other parts of it - titles, for example - are free for use by anyone.
    (Important note: I took a class about the business of music under a songwriter, formally a lawyer, who was in the biz in the last decade. Therefore, don't use this text to quote or reference, especially for homework! Feel free to correct me if you (think you) know better.)
    It has happened in Epics, Short Stories, or sometimes the same name used in both - and by different authors, of course. Haven't seen any authors go head to head to say which character was the REAL character, the one true character to be christened 'Xenohelix', so on and so forth, but it's just as much an argument about Avril Lavigne's 'Girlfriend' with 1979 Rubinoos song 'I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend'.
    *shrug* I still think Toa Varian has the making of awesome, but my mind still fritzes and says
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «He's King Varian Wrynn from World of Warcraft! In Toa form! 
  9. <daydreamer>
    I'm finally old enough to drink in America. But that's not important - I don't like drinking anyway. Birthday was a little meh, until I had dinner out and romped around town with my boyfriend, taking in the sights and sounds of the places my previous age wouldn't have let me close to. Now I realize it's not as much a hoot as others make it, so I'm happy, curiosity satisfied, and amused by a techno-didgeridoo player busking on a bridge.
    As for birthday thoughts, there's just one reflection I'd like to share.
    When I joined BZPower, I was thirteen or fourteen years old, in secondary/high school, and writing such terrible epics, not really knowing what was good or bad but just writing and plonking it into BZPower. Even funnier was me apprehensively asking my mother that night whether it was okay for me to join an online forum. XD
    During the next eight years, BZPower was the very first website I visited whenever I went online. It was the time I was just discovering what the Internet was, and where its (non-existent) boundaries were. BZPower ate up most of my Internet curiosity, thanks to the Library (which I haunted and read avidly) and my very-fueled belief that Premier Members were really special members the admins chose to have that rank. Seriously!
    Many more epics and a few years later, we arrive at the present date. There's the ECC, there's much less epic-writing and more of epic-reviewing, there are tons of new sites that I visit every day, and strangely enough, the queer thoughts of 'Maybe I should do some Short Stories every now and then', or something to keep my imagination buzzing. My writing went on its ups and downs, its hibernation and active vibrancy, and the usual dabble into things not so Bionicle, to keep the writing flowing.
    After all, there are some things that I want to keep from my now-past childhood, and the BZP memories, lessons, and a talent I figured out here are definitely in that list.
    (P.S. White wine is the bleh! >.<)
  10. <daydreamer>
    I have a rather bad dental problem. After wearing head-gear, braces, and now retainers, the wisdom teeth have come in. The least I can say is that one came out right. The rest came out, well, wrong. Wisdom on the Upper Left came out perfectly natural, matching with the rest of my teeth. Upper Right is half-in half-out, and no intention of moving out anymore except there. Bottom Left is half-tooth half-gum, meaning that gum infection's likely going to make my jaw hurt like mad, and Bottom Right is just growing the wrong way - sideways.
    The orthodontist only had a quick gaze into my mouth to see there were serious issues, and an X-ray was taken to reveal all this. Now here's the question - do I wait it out and let the wisdom teeth grow and remain where they are, or do I do an extraction to rid them all? Right now, they aren't aching or hurting me, though I do remember occasions back in Boston where my teeth did have a bout of pain every now and then.
    I'm addressing this to readers who have had extractions before, or those in the know, or if you got a good opinion. I do not like the idea of extractions, especially with all of these complications. But should I just shoulder it, plan a few weeks for my teeth to heal over time and just go for a world of (temporary) hurt? XD
  11. <daydreamer>
    It was after the Video Game Orchestra at the Berklee Performance Centre that I stepped out into it. Nothing had prepared me for it. If you could believe it, not even the weather forecast foretold the coming of the chilly phenomenon that stirred outside.
    Snow! More specifically, falling snow! And torrents of falling snow, with the ground already icing over from the falling precipitation. There were people around me cursing and swearing at the new wet obstacle they faced, some people were going 'Merry Christmas!', and some others shrugged and started off on their way home. I moved to the curb and watched the cars on the road for a minute, as they drove on through the spots of ice that surrounded them. I relished the sight of the falling snow, the snow-covered curbs, the carpeted sedentary cars and people huddling as they moved through the snow.
    And I didn't even feel cold. Yet.
    Cursing myself for not bringing my camera, I started trudging through the snow. I thought, for a minute, that the person who said that snow was light and fluffy didn't say it'd turn heavy and solid upon collecting in the ground (That was until I learnt that there was fluffy snow and wet snow, and Massachusetts had wet snow.), and tried to make my way to the traffic light with my now-damp sneakers.
    The snow kept falling as I walked back, and my mind was thinking of tons of things while looking at the white wonderland around me. It's snow! It's really snowing! I must relish this! I must savour it all! I need to throw some snowballs, make snow angels, drink hot tea while watching snow fall, take tons of pictures, wear thick coats, furry jackets and gloves!
    Then the cold hit me.
    I had (unexpecting any weather like this) worn just a short-sleeved shirt and a thin jacket with 'BOSTON' blazed across it, and the usual jeans and sneakers - but I had gloves. This was definitely not enough to keep the cold out and I started to feel the ice melting and wetting my clothes. My jeans were getting soggy, and I felt drops drip off my cheeks and hair.
    So I tried to hurry. I tried. I was still enraptured by the snow, and I was trying my best not to slip. Doing this funny yo-yo of balancing and looking up into the sky, I managed to find my way to the lane of my dorm. People were greeting each other with 'Merry Christmas!' 'The snow's finally here!' 'D***, I forgot to bring my coat!' 'My son's absolutely thrilled about the snow', as I trudged down Newbury Street. The homeless were nowhere to be seen - maybe they foretold the snow and went to hide before it fell. The stores were still open, with some employees looking out from the display window, watching the spectacle from the comfort of their store.
    When I turned to Commonwealth Avenue, the people were gone. The cars didn't pass by as frequently. And the snow had really started to settle in for the long haul, covering the whole park that ran through Commonwealth Avenue and its bronze statues of important people. I took the chance and scooped up a handful of snow from a stationary car. My first snowball! I tried to make it round with damp gloves and managed to get it to something like a ball. With that, I tossed it in the air and caught it, pitting my hand-eye coordination to a little game until I grew bored and even colder, letting the snowball fall to the ground behind me. And that did not count as littering.
    When I got to the alien-green lights of my dorm, there were raucous boys playing in the falling snow. They grabbed lumps of snow from the ground and pelted each other, laughing and shouting, great clouds of mist raising from their hollers. I tried to dodge them, then I felt something cold hit me square on the back.
    Holding back my tongue, I looked over to see who still had his hand outstretched. Grabbing a bit of snow myself, I pelted it at his direction, and hit him square on the cheek. Bullseye!
    His friends pointed and laughed, while I quickly entered the warmth of the building and watched the falling snow from the comfort of my dorm room.
    (Badly-written. Nyehnyehdeh.)
  12. <daydreamer>
    Guys, I blew it.
    I killed my microwave!
    It started with a burning cookie. I managed to warm it up the last time till it was soft and chewy, I still have no idea why that cookie smoked so much. I smelt the burning smell, turned around, and saw smoke in my dorm room.
    Cursing and swearing, I turned the timer off, opened the microwave (to more smoke), and disposed the cookie down the toilet bowl (attached bathroom, neh). I stuffed my jackets in the door gap to keep the smoke in so no one would notice, but there were people already milling around outside, muttering about something burning.
    I opened up the bathroom window and opened the door, easiest window to open. I struggled with the window in my dorm room - big and heavy. I grabbed dryer sheets and stuffed them behind the fan to start filtering and catching the smoke, and directing the fan at the window, hoping it'd blow air out and make some current.
    I opened the microwave door again and tried to fan as much of it away. I smelt acrid smoke, acid-like smoke, and I was thinking 'Please, smoke detector, don't go off!'
    Being the only one in the room had its advantages. No one else knew about this except me - for now. That gave me time to fix the problem before anyone called the fire brigade. I started trying to clean the microwave out by hauling out the glass disc and rollers and putting them into the sink, then throwing in a dryer sheet before reminding myself that it was too weak. I grabbed the CVS Odor-Absorbing Gel and hoped for a miracle as I tossed that in.
    With the air starting to clear, and me feeling all giddy from the smoke, I then had mind to go on the Internet about how to get rid of the foul smell in the microwave. Only lemons, white vinegar and baking soda were good options to me then. I called up my roommate and warned her of the situation and giving her the task to grab said lifesavers.
    I then did my best to clean out the microwave - scrubbed it with normal dishwashing detergent. No help at all. I took some Clorox Disinfecting Wipes - strong stuff - and wiped it down, but still no help at all. Roommate came back and I tried my best with cut lemons in water into the microwave, and putting cups of baking soda around the room.
    As I finally got some rest and waited for things to 'cool down', I heard zapping sounds coming from the microwave.
    'Do you hear that?' My roommate asked.
    The microwave stopped.
    And it died.
    (And I haven't gone into all the cleaning that there is to do - every article in the room smells of smoke, especially the bedsheets and exposed clothes in the bathroom. I'm washing them, but it's an arduous task. Roommate's being no help - just lying on her bed, surfing the internet.)
  13. <daydreamer>
    The piano players here can attest: There are some really nutty piano teachers out there. You get them, or you don't. It's a matter of luck for some.
    And let me tell you that I was, and am, a very lucky piano student.
    My first horror teacher was when my mother decided to drop her twins off in piano class. I can't remember for the life of me when did I turn to my mum, with the sweet innocent 4 year old face I had then, and say something that went 'Mummy, piano! Piano!' or 'I piano!' or anything like that. Mum claimed that she enrolled us in because we wanted to play the piano.
    Maybe we did - but definitely not under that teacher I had. She was bespectacled, she had no ruler but was stern, strict, and almost dictator-material. No wrong note missed her, and she made it a point to correct every single note. Every single note. It was no wonder she scowled - the twins, and the little sister that followed along one day, were absolutely hopeless.
    It came to a point in time that the lessons stopped - I believe the teacher had enough of us and told my mum to stop the lessons because the girls couldn't play under her anymore.
    Then there was a new teacher for me, 3 years later. She had started teaching my elder sister, and my mother thought of putting me in too. I used to follow to the teacher's mansionette of marbled floors and leather couches, and watch my sister play under the teacher. She was a bad player (and still is), and the teacher didn't seem so fierce. I decided to try again - and what a terrible time I had. The first piece I got under her was 'The Music Box'. I had barely touched the piano for 3 years, I had practically no experience under me, and the notes on the left hand ultimately did me in. I never made it past the first few bars. I had little to no co-ordination. I started to dread going to class - my teacher was no help either. She loaded me with practice homework, which was never chiseled into my then 9-year-old brain. I left the teacher after feeling too demoralized.
    Fast forward to now, with training in the electone/electronic organ to Grade 8, and I'm in Berklee. I had no way out from playing the piano seriously. As the lecturer who auditioned me said, "No way can you avoid this here in Berklee. We have the best teachers here, so we're giving ya the best education. You have to learn it!"
    So I went in to see my teacher, and he was better - and worse - than my previous teachers combined.
    He wasn't angry when I admitted that I didn't practice (I said 'I couldn't practice' that day, and it was true. I was getting used to the schedule then.), but he had a cunning way of putting a threat across. In the middle of that lesson, he went, "Tell you what, this often works for the students who make many mistakes. For every mistake you make, you'll owe me $10."
    That put me into a panic, and I really messed the rest of my playing then. He sat behind me in his office chair, laughing, "I'm going to be rich! Jeff's gonna get a free cuppa joe at this rate!"
    He was not a piano teacher. He was a devilish character.
    If anything, he made me feel bitter. And when you translate such an emotion into work, it gets you places. I went to his lesson one day with a fully memorized score in my head and decided that if he hated my playing, then I might as well stop learning under him and get a new teacher.
    I knocked on his door, customary to Berklee instructors preferring their students to knock on time. 5 minutes passed before I rapped the second time. Then a third time 10 minutes later. This being a half-hour class, I thought of giving up and going back. Little could be done in 20 minutes, and I was angry that he had chosen to ignore me. Maybe he hated me that much.
    The door opened and he asked for a few more minutes to wrap things up with the other student in there before me.
    When I finally got into the lesson, he then asked to hear the piece.
    I played what I could.
    The teacher didn't sit next to me and listen. He got up and walked about, checking his email, admiring the room and the photos in the room, sitting behind me in his office chair and such. Today, when I finished the piece, he was standing at the window, scratching at his jeans and what seemed like... underwear. Eww.
    He turned to look at me, "What do you think?"
    Another shot at degrading me? All right. "I think it needs work."
    He broke out.
    ... what just happened?
    He sat down right next to me, "Yeah, it could do with a little work, but you're already there! It sounds nice and solid, little to no mistakes! You really have surpassed my expectations of you!"
    As he kept babbling on with something about my parents and emailing them personally, I wondered what were his expectations of me in the first place. Probably low, slow and blundering, but that... that expression of his freaked me out.
    From then on, the work got much, much harder. Now I'm playing a jazz standard with very weird chords, moved into all the different keys in the scale, and he expects certain playing techniques from all of them to be demonstrated to him in class next Monday. I haven't been up to his standards again, and I could tell his patience is starting to run thin again.
    Then maybe he'll burst again with excitement once I get it.
    I really am a very lucky student.
  14. <daydreamer>
    It's time to take a break from all the schoolwork, because fall is here! And I've never seen fall before, at least in its presence. I may have written about it a long time ago, but it's so much better to be there and experiencing it in person.
    (Note: I made the pictures tiny, because I worried about bandwidth.)


    Welcome to the Boston Common. This is Boston's biggest park, and the trees were just starting to turn red and yellow. This is a late fall, but still fall nonetheless. And it was so pretty!


    The Boston Common has a lake called the Swan Lake... I'm guessing. There were supposed to be boats moving around, but due to the cold weather, it has stopped for the year. (The picture of me at the dock was taken by a really awesome person, who was showing me around that day. )

    Lots of things I saw that day, but mostly pretty flowers, pretty trees, cute squirrels and really fat sparrows! But my fave is saved for last

    (Yes, I still haven't grown out of the horse-loving phase. Don't think I shall. )
    The mess of photos over, I'll do a better organized one about my dorm room one day, just like what ToMmie did. XD
  15. <daydreamer>
    Don't mind the sudden question, but the Epic Critic Club is in dire need of help. Permanent help, temporary help, any pair of willing eyes, hands and brains.
    So, if you're interested, you can reply below and ask me, '<dd>, I wanna help. What can I do?'. If you can't, go ahead and make a note too I guess.
    Popping quickly in and out. Hopefully will get some help somehow.
  16. <daydreamer>
    I just realized that BZPower's back. Am I very late in this news? I'm sure I am!
    Well, the period the board went offline was as long as I needed to get ready to go. I'm heading over to Boston - tonight! On the AirBus A380 no less!
    Yet, I feel many pinches of sadness about the people I'm leaving behind: Family, especially the old folks, my wonderful boyfriend (we're going to make this LDR work!), and the friends I've made through secondary school and polytechnic. And, of course, Lucky. I feel really bad for him because he won't know till I disappear for a week or two - and longer. I hope he doesn't cry.
    The packing has been hectic. The parents are ecstatic, especially Mum. In fact, she's even more enthusiastic than I am about the affairs of getting there, getting in, and even fitting in. I left most of the packing to her, in the end. It was horrible: leggings, inner vests, and the debate of my favourite pyjamas and winter-cold pyjamas. XD At least she cleared the DS Lite, and figured that getting a video camcorder would be a good idea too. Now I'm thinking of how to prevent theft and keep my stuff safe.
    Of all the wondrous things I'm bringing, the most insane of them all is the Magic Pot. It's a thermal cooker with a pot in it, where the pot is to be heated then placed in the cooker. Somehow, the technology of the pot will retain the heat and let it continue to cook the food. The absolutely wonderful thing about it is, even if I left soup in it overnight, it was still scalding hot in the morning. And, the real question is, is it an appliance? Can I even bring it into my dorm room?!
    Ah well. I'm heading to the airport real soon, after a spot of dinner. I'm so excited at this aspect of a new journey, and a tad bit nervous as well, about what the future would bring.
    Especially the really-close future of going through Heathrow Airport.
    Wish me luck!
  17. <daydreamer>
    Has anyone tried to Google their name?
    I tried. I always found it amusing when new search results show more mentions of my name online. It's a real reminder of how the Internet has really connected everyone together.
    Like, how I dug up an online letter my sister sent to the animal and food safety people of the government, because we had pet chickens and Indonesia had bird flu, so the government officers came by and took them all away. It was even funnier to see that a doctor (most likely by degree, not by practice) took a 10-year-old's letter so seriously that he added fuel to the flame, stoking that the government should not have taken away family pets because of its fear of infection.
    The chickens came back, by the way. But they aren't here anymore. That's another story for another day.
    And, like, how I Googled names of my boyfriend's ex (Let's not be touchy and wrap this up quickly), to find out that many complications occurred to a strong friendship between her and another girl, resulting in much pain for the latter. I felt tempted to console this other girl and let her know that matters have come to pass.
    So, imagine my surprise when I saw the words '... hate (<dd>'s real name)...I don't even want to see her...'
    I went 'HUH?!' and had a look.
    Turned out that a secondary (middle) school had a principal with the same name as me.
    What a heart attack!
  18. <daydreamer>
    I saw it yesterday.
    I almost cried.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Not because Optimus Prime died again. 
    But because...
    MICHAEL BAY! You killed my childhood!! (Or what's left of it!)
    *goes to a corner, takes out her Makuta and Takanuva and plays quietly by herself*
  19. <daydreamer>
    Who needs to say anymore? BERKLEE! BOSTON! MASSACHUSETTS!
    Currently doing up the sums and conversions for how much I've to pay for Berklee! I had seriously no idea that I'd get in. I thought I flunked the auditions very badly. XD
    Oh, and what am I doing now, musically-wise? I'm trying to rush out a project with Imogen Heap's vocals in her Twestival participation. She released vocals she never used before, and now I've got her in a daydream land (hahaha!), swimming in clouds and all things pretty! XD
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