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Status Updates posted by _Keerakh_

  1. helloooo? is there anyone out there

  2. OHAIDERE. remember me? long time no speaky, etc etc. How are things?

  3. Anarchy? Maybe. -_o

  4. It ain't workin'

    Go on Photo bucket and look for

    Keerakh_Enterprises. (thats my username.)

  5. Nothing much, its just an iternet thing. That I invented.

    LSD, can you look at a MOC that I am considering putting on BZpower. I'll take some photo's, PM them to you, and you can look and criticise. Suggest improvements, that sort of thing. you know?

    Oh no ... I wasn't rambling again, was I?

  6. The sandworms are restless.

  7. The sandworms are restless

  8. KILL!!! Die die die die die ...

    Sorry. I say these things when exposed to *trembles* ...

    Justine Bieber

  9. Hello, Spirah.

    I see you got bored of "wispy elite deaf", or whatever.

  10. Well, I still won't be on here much, but I will come. Occasionally

    its odd that nothing has changed

  11. C'mon, post 10 times.

    try one per hot topic.

  12. post 10 times, and you can PM me!

  13. Why not say whether your boy/girl, get a pic, and inform on your interests?

  14. Fine, fine. Little bored at the time of writing mind...

  15. Hallo BD, how are you today?

  16. You find it hard? how do you think I feel.

    The mind is too complicated for my liking.

    P.S Im thinking of beginning a comedy, any helpful tips from a master of them like you?


    Ah, but DO you? do you REALLY? A mystery, i think, we may never solve, withoyt expert, insider knowledge of the working of your mind...Where could i find That?


  18. hi there! (ticker tape, ticker tape)

  19. *beep beep beep*warning, technologically inept in vicinity

    warning technologically inept in vicinity


  20. I have a crow called jake. hes blinnd and brain-damaged.

  21. why are you called thejake and why do people think it cool

  22. thanks for adding me on MLN

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